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October 2022

We Condemn the "Armed Attack" in Shahcheragh, Shiraz!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) condemns the terrorist attack in Shahcheragh, Shiraz. Our party considers such criminal attacks on the part of whoever happened to be detrimental to the libertarian movement of "Women, Life and Freedom" and warns against linking this action to the protests and strikes of the people's rights by the regime and intensifying the repression of the people.

“It is Not the Time of Mourning, But the Time of Anger”

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
he Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) supports the call to celebrate the anniversary of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini's 40th day of death and invites various social groups to participate in the protests to show that repression and killing cannot end the revolutionary movement. The revolutionary movement of the people will not stop until toppling the brutal regime.

„Es ist nicht die Zeit der Trauer, sondern die Zeit des Zorns“

der Linkspartei Irans
Die Linkspartei Irans (Volksfadaian) unterstützt den Aufruf zur Feier des 40. Todestages von Mahsa Zhina Amini und lädt verschiedene gesellschaftliche Gruppen ein, sich an den Protesten zu beteiligen. Lasst uns gemeinsam zeigen, dass die staatlichen Repressionen und Morde den revolutionären Prozess nicht beenden können. Die revolutionäre Bewegung des Volkes schreitet voran, bis das Regime gestürzt ist.

A letter to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, UNICEF

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
We are deeply concerned about the situation of these arrested teenagers and children. We are strongly requesting you to follow the situation of these children. In addition, we would like you to warn the Islamic Republic that the repression of students is against the international convention and demand the immediate and unconditional release of all detainees.

The Need to Prepare for Immediate Action and Talk to Coordinate the Opposition Forces in Support of the People's Protest Movement!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
In our documents, we have emphasized the principle of dialogue with all the opposition forces that are committed to the principles of democracy, including pluralism, free elections, ballot box judgment, and the formation of the Constituent Assembly to draft the constitution, and we have always adhered to it. Today, while advancing the policy of alliance with republican forces in order to form a republican bloc, as well as creating an alliance of leftist forces, we emphasize on strengthening alignments and partnerships with other forces in support of the people's movement.

We Welcome the Workers' Strike and Joining the People's Protest Movement!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
strike by arresting the leaders and activists of independent labor organizations and threatening and suppressing them. During the past few weeks, dozens of labor activists and teachers, including a number of striking workers, have been arrested in Assaluye. The Protest Organizing Council of Oil Contract Workers also announced that the security forces arrested a number of Assaluye petrochemical workers yesterday.

Wir unterstützen den Arbeiter*innenstreik im Iran!

der Linkspartei Irans
Die Bewegung "Frauen, Leben, Freiheit" hat eine historische Chance für die Überwindung der Islamischen Republik geboten. Dabei spielen Arbeiter*innen der Petrochemie eine wichtige Rolle! Solidarisieren sie sich mit den Streikenden, tragen sie dazu bei, dass das Regime stürzt!
Linkspartei Irans (Volksfadaian) - Vorstand

Let Us Rush to Help the Heroic People of Sanandaj!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
courageous struggle of the people of Sanandaj in the stronghold of the struggle against tyranny and fundamentalism, and invites all freedom-loving people of Iran to protest in their neighborhoods and cities and expand the range of strikes in support of the praiseworthy resistance of the people of Sanandaj, rise up and not let the Islamic Republic mobilize its repression forces to confront the people of this city. We have no doubt that the spread of people's struggles will continue until the Islamic Republic is brought down