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May 2023

IRAN: View from the LEFT” 41

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
There is a general movement towards a new order in the Middle East. The Saudis have a far fetched and ambitious vision of grandour. They are not alone, Turkey, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the UAE, amongst others, have similar ambitions. Sadly, their ambitions focus primarily on industrial -- and specifically military industrial -- goals, and do not extend to social issues and issues of social justice.
This new order cannot mean a period of stability and happiness for the people of the region. Homegrown ...tensions can be as nasty and as tragic as internationally-induced ones. An unorthodox, ambitous sense of self-

Panel Discussion with the secular democrat opposition on Iran in E P:

- Continue the political sponsorship of Iranian political prisoners
- Disclose any information in relation to the regime’s support of Russia in its war against Ukraine
- Do not recognize the Taliban regime unless they accept girls’ rights to attend schools, universities, and workplaces
- Support the normalization of Iran's relations with the countries of the region.

For Transition from the Islamic Republic, Our Positions and Policy!

4- Our policy in the field of alliances, coalitions and cooperations for the transition:
a. As a defender force of democratic socialism, we strive for the closeness and unification of the democratic left forces, and welcome dialogue and cooperation with other left movements to form a left block to defend the interests of workers and other wage earners in other fields.
b. In order to transition from the Islamic Republic and replace it with a democratic and secular government in the form of a republic, we are working to strengthen and create a weight of republicans and a broad alliance among the republican forces.

To: The Honourable Members of the United Nations Human Rights Council 2023 Social Forum

همگامی برای جمهوری سکولار دموکرات در ايران
We once again call on the Human Rights Council of the UN to revoke its decision and remove the IRI as the chair of the Human Rights Council 2023 Social Forum, or else this body will lose all its legitimacy among the Iranian People.
Coalition for a Secular Democratic Syste

Stopping the Execution and Confronting the Ruling Criminals is not Possible without People’s Mass Confrontation!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Iran's left party (People’s Fadaian) believes that execution is not a blowhole, but a well that has opened its mouth against the regime and will swallow the totality of this autocratic and murderous system. We ask the political organizations and civil institutions and defenders of human rights, by creating a joint campaign against execution, to force the Islamic Republic to retreat from its execution policy. This regime will go eventually, but the ...thicker its criminal case becomes, the more severe punishments it will face. Today, there is no excusn

On the Occasion of the First of May: Unity is the Key to Victory Over the Dictatorial Regime and Moving Towards Freedom and Prosperity!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) supports the protests and large-scale strikes of workers and employees of contracting companies in the oil and petrochemical industry and a number of mines and production units, which are ongoing with the demand for wage increases and other welfare demands. We support the fight against the repressive measures of the Islamic Republic, especially the fight against the chemical attack on schools and the massive arrests of civil and political activists, and at the same time

IRAN: View from the LEFT 40

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
Word of the Month
The rapprochement and its implications
Saudi Arabia and Iran have re-established diplomatic relations after seven years. Is
this a new Entente Cordial between two rival dictatorships?  It is a welcome, and
hopefully first, step toward lowering the level of tensions in the Middle East.
It is too soon to judge the full impact of this rapprochement and its durability. 
However it has - at least - eased the way for finding a solution on issues like the war
in Yemen (tentative moves toward peace?) and Syria’s status in the Arab world