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September 2023

Anniversary of the Revolutionary Movement of “Women, Life, Freedom” and Start of the New Educational Year!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Education has become more class-based during the rule of the Islamic Republic. A large number of people live in absolute poverty and cannot afford their children's education. The gap between poverty and wealth has reached catastrophic proportions. To the same extent, due to the destructive policies of the Islamic Republic, the educational facilities are more limited, public schools are poorer in every aspect, and special and private schools for a limited percentage of those in power have increased. While for the majority of people, children's education is a heavy burden on the family, special schools are particularly prosperous.

One year after the movement of women, life, freedom

رزا روزبهان
The government of Iran mput pressure on the Iranian government to free all political prisoners and put an end to pressure on activists and the families of killed protesters.ust change its hostile policies in the region and you can play an important role in this matter

Participando masivamente en las concentraciones, protestas y huelgas por el aniversario del movimiento revolucionario “ Mujer, Vida, Libertad, hagamos más destacable la lucha contra la opresión dominante.

El Buró Político del Partido de Izquierda de Irán
El Partido de Izquierda de Irán, homenajea en el primer aniversario del movimiento revolucionario “ Mujer, Vida, Libertad, la memoria de todos los caídos y saluda a sus familiares doloridos y presionados por el régimen, y admira la firmeza de todos los activistas y luchadores que resisten en las cárceles.

En participant à des rassemblements, des manifestations et des grèves A l'occasion de l'anniversaire du mouvement révolutionnaire "Femme, Vie de Liberté", Renforcez la lutte contre la tyrannie du régime en place !

Comité politico-exécutif de Parti de Gauche d’iran
À l'occasion du premier anniversaire du mouvement révolutionnaire « Femmes,Vie, Liberté », le Parti de Gauche d’ Iran honore la mémoire de ceux qui ont perdu la vie, salue leurs familles en deuil qui ont toujours été sous la pression du gouvernement et la résistance des combattants qui sont dans les geôles du régime à travers le pays. Il respecte le courage et la détermination des militants de ce mouvement.

By Participating in Rallies, Protests and Strikes on the Anniversary of the Revolutionary Movement "Woman, Life, Freedom", Make the Fight Against the Ruling Tyranny more Resonant!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
On the first anniversary of the revolutionary movement "Women, Life, Freedom", the Left Party of Iran honors the memory of those who lost their lives, sends greetings to their bereaved families who have always been under the pressure of the regime, praises the tenacity of the political prisoners across the country and respects the determination of the activists of this movement.

La tragedia de la matanza de los presos políticos en 1988, es el símbolo de la criminalidad del régimen de la República Islámica (RI)

El Buró Político del Partido de Izquierda de Irán
El Partido de Izquierda de Irán, en el 35 aniversario de la matanza de presos políticos en las cárceles terroríficas de la RI, otra vez conmemora a todos aquellos queridos que perdieron sus vidas por la libertad, contra el despotismo y justicia social, y reafirma a los ideales de sus compañeros por el establecimiento de la democracia y el socialismo, así como hace reverencia ante ellos y sus familiares doloridos. Nosotros valoramos considerablemente los esfuerzos y las luchas de todos aquellos personas en busca de justicia por estos hechos inhumanos, y apoyaremos cualquier paso en este camino y haremos todo lo posible para mantener izada la bandera de la justicia.

Warning about the drying up of Urmia Lake

HAMGAMI (The Coalition for the Secular Democratic Republic of Iran)
In support of the assessments by the environment experts, The Coalition for the Secular Democratic Republic of Iran, warns against the drying up of Lake Urmia and demands immediate measures to prevent the lake from drying up completely.

Iran: View from The Left, August 2023 No. 44

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In This Issue, You Read
Word of the Month: The BRICS bloc
A Covenant
Exposure to Empty Food Tables
Drying of Lake Urmia
The recent Expulsion of University Professors

The Islamic Republic of Iran is Responsible for the death of Javad Rouhi

HAMGAMI (The Coalition for the Secular Democratic Republic of Iran)
HAMGAMI (The Coalition for the Secular Democratic Republic of Iran) considers the Islamic Republic of Iran responsible for the death of Javad Rouhi and calls the Special rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Commission for Iran to institute a special case for the death of Javad Rouhi