Iran: Human rights without double standards

Iran: Human rights without double standards

Cornelia Ernst comments on the resolution on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Iran.

“Once again we have to address fundamental human rights violations in Iran and we will not stop to do so as long as political dissidents and dissenters are persecuted, imprisoned or even executed. We condemn the execution of Ruhollah Zam, call to withdraw the death sentence against the Iranian-Swedish scientist Dr. Djalali and his release, and are deeply worried about the wellbeing of Nasrin Sotoudeh, who was returned to prison against the advice of her doctors. Furthermore, we are deeply concerned about the countless imprisoned people whose names we do not know and whose families fear for their lives. We cannot simply go on with business as usual when such human rights violations are taking place.“

“Human rights are neither a bargaining chip in political games nor a gift graciously granted by the powerful, they are the birth right of every human being. This also means that there can be no double standards when we talk about human rights violations; no life is worth more than another is. That is why we believe that a condemnation of murder of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh is missing from the resolution to underline Europe’s universal commitment to human rights and to make a credible show of our European values. Unfortunately, the resolution is also lacking a clear condemnation of the U.S. policy of maximum pressure on Iran, which leave countless Iranians suffering who were already in a precarious social and economic situation following the devastating impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. We have to state clearly that the actions of the current U.S. administration constituted an infringement of fundamental human rights.”

“The Iranian people’s path to freedom and democracy is a long and winding road. Europe’s task is to reach out to the Iranian people, to stand side by side with them in solidarity and talk on equal terms. We should let Europe’s values in their entirety guide us in our conduct.”

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