Let us Celebrate the International Workers’ Day in Solidarity

April 12, 2022
Workers and laborers, there is not much time left until the first day of May, the day of your solidarity. This year the regime intends to prevent your free demonstrations on Labor Day and deprive you of this obvious right. Do not accept this blatant abuse as you did not allow and will not allow the regime to obstruct your protests and street marches. On International Workers' Day, take to the streets in every city you are in and demonstrate en masse and propound your demands and demand their fulfillment.
May the first is your day and you have the right, like the workers of other countries who take to the streets on this day to raise and demand their basic and common aspirations, to protest and to stop the anti-labor policies and decisions of governments and employers, you too have the right to take to the streets without any hindrance to celebrate this day in any way and in any public place you wish.
If last year teachers, Haft Tappeh workers, steel workers, miners and machine-building workers and municipalities, nurses and health workers, retirees and many other wage earners were able to stage large street demonstrations and express their demands repeatedly in different cities of the country despite the regime’s opposition, they can also protest in the streets on the International Workers' Day.
If you take to the streets in different cities on the International Workers' Day, the regime will not be able to stop your demonstrations. Break the ban on holding International Workers' Day with your large presence on the streets!
In a regime where everything from the laws and the government to the parliament and the judiciary are against your rights, you are the ones who can, with your solidarity, united and organized struggle, disrupt this oppressive anti-labor, governmental and capitalist alliance and take back your looted rights.
By holding thousands of strikes and protests across the country last year, you have shown that you can do this. If the achievements of your struggles were less than you expected relative to the volume of your protests and struggles, look for the reasons in the dispersal of the protests, the lack of organization and the insufficient level of solidarity among the labor movement.
You do not deserve wages below the poverty line, lack of job security, deprivation of social security and health and unemployment insurance, unsafe and uncertain working conditions, lack of housing and welfare, non-timely payment of wages and gender, wage, and job discrimination.
International Workers 'Day is a symbol of the solidarity of the workers of the world and an opportunity to reaffirm the global workers' movement for solidarity and a common struggle against the tyranny of the capitalist system and capitalist states, against exploitation, injustice, discrimination, poverty, war and aggression, tyranny and authoritarianism and common defense for freedom, prosperity, peace, and friendship between the nations of the world and protection of the environment.
The main victims of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the destructive role of the "West" in the outbreak and continuation of this war are the people of Ukraine and Russia, and in the first place the laborers of the two countries. The continuation of this war can bring heavy losses to our country and, as always, to the laborers of our country. In solidarity with the working people of Ukraine and Russia, on Labor Day, raise your voice against this war and call for an end to it and call for peace through negotiation.
The destructive nuclear policy of the Islamic Republic and the resulting sanctions have caused great suffering to our people and, above all, to the workers and laborers of our country. Now, the avarice of the United States and the Islamic Republic in the current negotiations has completely blurred the prospect of an agreement. If an agreement is reached, some relives will be provided for the Islamic Republic, and if there is no agreement, our country will face very bitter days. You should turn the Labor Day into a day of protest against the Islamic Republic's nuclear policy, against sanctions, for agreement, and for allocation of relives resulting from the agreement to the construction and livelihood of the people.
On Labor Day, raise your voices against the repression, persecution and imprisonment of labor activists and leaders of the Coordinating Council of Cultural Associations. Demand their release and the release of other civil and political prisoners. No one has the right to prevent the formation of unions and strikes and protests of workers, and to prosecute anyone for union activities and demands.
Workers’ Day is a day of mass protests against tyranny and injustice, protests against the ban on holding rallies on International Workers' Day and the violation of the right to organize and strike, protests against the policy of disenfranchisement of labor, changes in the pension law, freezing wages below poverty line, non-timely payment of wages and making it regionalized and by agreement, temporary reprehensible contracts, corporate and contract work, gender and wage discrimination, privatization and privatization of social security and inefficiency of health insurance and continued looting of social security, and protest against child's work..
Employees and retirees, workers and staffers, teachers, and nurses, come to the streets as one body on Labor Day and protest against tyranny and oppression, poverty, and injustice, and demand the realization of your rights. Most of your demands are the same. None of you can exercise your rights alone, but if you unite, you can force the regime and the employers to accept your demands. Equalization of pensions, ranking of teachers, free treatment, and education, change of informal employment contracts of nurses to formal ones can only be achieved through solidarity and common struggle. Celebrate May the First, the International Workers' Solidarity Day in any viable way and take this opportunity to strengthen solidarity and advance your demands.
Working Group of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)
April 12, 2022