Call to Protest Against the Execution and for Defense of Political Prisoners on International Human Rights Day!

Let Us Participate in Nationwide Protests on Saturday Against the Execution of Mohsen Shakeri!

December 9, 2022
We are on the eve of December 10, International Human Rights Day. This year, the regime of the Islamic Republic welcomes the International Human Rights Day with a dark record of killings and executions. In the last three months alone, the regime has arrested and sent to prisons at least 18,000 people, and killed 473 protesters, sixty-four of whom were children. This regime has injured hundreds of people who participated in protests with the slogan "Women, Life, Freedom" with bullets and has tortured a number of prisoners and forced them to confess against their will in order to spread fear in the society. According to the Amnesty International report, at least twenty-eight people, including three children, are at risk of execution in connection with the nationwide demonstrations against the regime. Yesterday, the criminals of the regime executed the death sentence of 23-year-old Mohsen Shakeri. The number of citizens who have been executed in Iran since the beginning of this year has exceeded five hundred.

For more than forty years, the Islamic Republic has been executing citizens, or to be more precise, murdering them. Execution is an inhuman sentence. Human lives have no value under the rule of this regime. People are always subject to the abuse of the rulers of the Islamic Republic. Today, the regime is under increasing pressure from the revolutionary movement that wants women's dignity, the right to life and freedom. These concepts are in conflict with the foundation of the current ruling system, which is based on discrimination. Defense of women's dignity and respect for life and protection of freedom endanger the existence of this regime.

In addition to killing women and young people who chant "woman, life, freedom" in the streets, the Islamic Republic also plans to take the lives of prisoners in jail. In line with the revolutionary movement in Iran, Iranians abroad will take to the streets on Saturday against the execution of Mohsen Shakeri. In order to stop the "death courts" and the regime's execution machine, the voice of protest should be raised all over the world.

The left party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) calls on the fighting compatriots inside and outside the country to make their voices louder on December 10th, Human Rights Day, wherever they are. The Islamic Republic intends to destroy the lives of defenseless people, especially those arrested. Let us not let it achieve its inhumane goals. Let us not forget that every voice has an effect and if the voices are tied together, the interconnected voices produce a tremendous force that can end the life of the corrupt and autocratic regime of the Islamic Republic forever.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)
December 9, 2022

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