Message to the 7th Congress of the Party of the European Left

December 9, 2022

Dear Comrades,
It is a pleasure for us to participate in the 7th Congress of the Party of the European Left (PEL).
We agree with your interpretation that the political environment of Europe and the world should change and the left regain its worthy position as an alternative to the existing situation, the war in Ukraine should be ended and energy supply and other public needs of the people should be taken out of the hands of the private sector. Nature and climate should be taken care of and protected as the first condition of life, and in a word, social justice should be provided for everyone.
From our point of view, the neoliberal system is the main obstacle in reaching the above goals. Neoliberalism is conducted in different countries by its administrators in very different ways. Therefore, fighting against this system requires innovative policies and forms.
In our country, there are neoliberal economic policies along with destructive policies in various fields. Majority of the people of our country are extremely dissatisfied with the current situation and the destructive policies of the ruling regime.
On the basis of this widespread dissatisfaction and in protest against the killing of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in the detention center of the so-called Morality Police, a widespread protest movement sparked and quickly went beyond the demand for revocation of the mandatory hijab and aimed at confronting the dictatorship, discrimination and injustice. With the slogan of women, life, freedom, this movement announced its affirmative will to the society and the world and demanded the passing of the Islamic Republic as the main obstacle to the realization of freedom, social justice and democracy.
The reaction of the regime was a brutal attack on protest gatherings in neighborhoods and cities, universities and even schools, all over the country, especially in Kurdistan and Baluchistan, which has led to the death of more than 400 people, including more than 60 children, and the arrest of more than 18,000 people. According to Islamic penal laws, some of these detained women and young people are in danger of execution.
This protest movement, which can be considered a revolutionary movement with a prominent role of women in it, whose goal is to fight for women's freedom and eliminate discrimination in all fields, provide livelihood and human dignity for all people, and ensure individual social, cultural, and political freedoms in the form of a democratic, secular and decentralized government system that ensures the rights of all classes, social groups and ethnic groups.
It is worthy to mention that the demands of the revolutionary movement of women, life, freedom in Iran, due to its progressive demands, have gone beyond the borders of Iran and has gained global solidarity. However, the reaction of some countries in the region, where there are various discriminations, has been expression of concern regarding this movement.
At the same time, from the perspective of the left, it is necessary to provide a concrete interpretation of this slogan, especially in the perception of people's lives.
The progressive, democratic and left forces, including our party, are trying to give appropriate and worthy answers to these demands. We will try our best to make this wish come true by forming a coalition of these forces.
Dear comrades, once again we wish you success in achieving the goals of the Congress. Definitely, your solidarity and support of the women, life, freedom movement will be effective in its success.

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)
Mehdi Ebrahimzadeh head of International Commission

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