Let us Demonstrate the Power of the Revolutionary Movement by Participating in Protests and Strikes Against Imprisonments, Executions and the Islamic Republic!

Along with the Call on 19th, 20th and 21st of December

December 18, 2022

Student organizations of a large number of universities in the country, youths of a number of cities and the Association of Progressive Mothers have issued a nationwide call for days 19, 20 and 21 of December. They have called for protests in cities, strikes in business centers and production units, protest marches in universities, night demonstrations in neighborhoods, writing slogans and spending Yalda night (last night of Autumn - longest night of the year) in solidarity with political prisoners and detainees and the families of the deceased. The medical staff have invited all doctors, nurses and medical staff to strike on the same three days in protest of the state murder of Aida Rostami, a doctor whose “crime” was only to help the wounded and injured of the revolutionary movement.

Simultaneously with the calls, official employees of the oil industry have started their strike since December 17 in at least seven oil and gas centers of the country. The strike of the official employees of the oil industry is very important in the current situation, and its coincidence with the three-day call will increase the impact of protests and strikes.

Ali Khamenei says that he will put an end to the revolutionary movement himself. He is wrong to the idea that with executions, street killings, extensive arrests, killing a number of prisoners under torture, secretly kidnapping protesters and disappearing them, with violence and terror he will be able to make the streets clear of the protestors and silence the voices of protest and calm down the universities.

The leader of the Islamic Republic and the repression forces under his command have repeatedly announced that the movement was shut down. But every time with new calls from local youth and students, a new wave of protests has started, new groups of society have joined the revolutionary movement and the movement has taken another step forward. In the last call on December 5th, 6th and 7th, Bazaar and merchants in more than fifty cities responded positively to the call and marked the biggest Bazaar and merchants strike in the history of the Islamic Republic. During those three days, students gathered in a large number of universities in the country and chanted slogans against the regime. Workers also went on strike in several large factories.

The left party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) is with the call of December 19, 20 and 21. We invite groups supporting the movement to participate widely in these three-day protests. In these three days, it should be shown that the revolutionary movement is still alive, dynamic and capable, and executions, killings and creating fear have not weakened the will of the forces of the revolutionary movement. The will of the revolutionary movement to end the life of the criminal and child-killing regime of the Islamic Republic is still strong and steadfast.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)
December 18, 2022

Source URL: https://bepish.org/node/8581