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The Criminal Regime Executed Two Young Protestors!

The Criminal Regime Executed Two Young Protestors!
On the Eve of the Anniversary of the Murder of 176 Passengers of the Ukrainian Plane

January 7, 2023

The Islamic Republic committed another crime and hanged two protesting youths, Mohammad Hosseini and Mohammad Mehdi Karami. Regime interrogators forced them to confess against themselves under torture, tried them and sentenced them to death based on false confessions in “death courts” without access to lawyer. Mohammad Mehdi Karami started hunger strike four days ago to get a lawyer. His death sentence was executed while he was not allowed to meet his family for the last time. Mohammad Hosseini was a worker and had no one to pursue his situation. He lived alone and had lost his parents many years ago. With the execution of Mohammad Hosseini and Mohammad Mehdi Karami, the number of executed protesters reached four.

Simultaneously with the execution of two young protestors, Ali Khamenei appointed one of the most notorious military-security forces of the regime, Ahmadreza Radan, instead of Hossein Ashtari, as the commander-in-chief of the police force. Radan's name is associated with the crimes of Kahrizak prison, suppression of the “Green Movement” and corruption. This shift in the current situation is due to the regime's decision to kill more on the one hand and Ali Khamenei's concern about the state of the repression forces on the other hand. According to confidential bulletins published by the Fars News Agency, the decline in this repression force has intensified and disobedience is spreading.

The execution of two young protestors and the appointment of Radan, on the eve of the third anniversary of the firing of two missiles by the Revolutionary Guards at the Ukrainian passenger plane and the killing of 176 passengers, have a clear message: nothing has changed. Killings, arrests, tortures, executions will continue with more intensity. The Islamic Republic is the regime of death and continues its life by taking the lives of innocent people. The only way to get rid of this inhuman regime, from destruction and death, from torture and execution, is to end its life.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) believes that the killing of young people in the streets, the killing of Ukrainian plane passengers, the torture of prisoners, widespread arrests and executions of freedom-seeking youths will not save the regime from its inevitable fate. The revolutionary movement is determined to end the life of this disgraceful and inhuman regime.

For tomorrow, January 8, many calls have been given inside and outside the country for rallies, protests and strikes. Tomorrow is a good opportunity to protest against the execution of young people all over the world and asked the international forums to intensify the pressure on the Iranian regime to end the killings, murders and executions.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

January 7, 2023

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