رفتن به محتوای اصلی

We Demand the Arrest and Trial of Hossein Ali Nayeri!

We Demand the Arrest and Trial of Hossein Ali Nayeri!
Open Letter to the German Minister of Justice

July 24, 2023
Honorable Dr. Marco Buschmann
Federal Minister for Justice of Germany,

Dear Minister,
We were informed that Mr. Hossein Ali Nayeri is currently undergoing treatment in Hannover, Germany. Nayeri is one of the 4 members of the special committee (known as Death Committee) that was directly involved in the execution of thousands of political prisoners in Iran in the summer of 1988, who were previously convicted in the courts of the Islamic Republic and were serving their prison terms. Although the dimensions of this crime were unknown to the public opinion of Iran and the world from the beginning, today, 35 years after that tragedy, most international forums consider it an example of a crime against humanity.
Those accused of crimes against humanity can be prosecuted and punished according to international laws in any democratic country.

Hossein Ali Nayeri was involved in the murder of thousands of political prisoners in Iran, and many families who lost their loved ones in the massacre of the summer of 1988 in Iran in that horrible crime, now live in Germany and other European countries and are the plaintiffs of this horrific crime.
We ask you to take the necessary measures to arrest and prosecute Hossein Ali Nayeri, the murderer of thousands of political prisoners and accused of crimes against humanity.

Yours sincerely,
Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran

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