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The Failure of the Regime in Re-Imposing the Mandatory Hijab is Certain!

The Failure of the Regime in Re-Imposing the Mandatory Hijab is Certain!

September 27, 2023
After 44 years, the Islamic Republic still longs for the imposition of the hijab and Islamic way of life. After breaking the barrier of compulsory hijab during the "Women, Life, Freedom" revolutionary movement and the extinction of the Irshad patrol, the regime has not stopped struggling to push the people back, return to the era before September 2022 and impose its Islamic values. In the first step, the Islamic Republic legalized the "Comprehensive Plan of Chastity and Hijab" and with this plan, in an aggressive visage, it actually retreated and called “no hijab” a “wrongdoing” instead of a crime and instead of arresting and imprisoning gave fines and reprimands to people. Recently, in continuation of the model of behavior and the Islamic way of life, the regime has approved the "New Executive Code of Behavior and Dress" for academics, which measures the dress and behavior of all students of medicine, nursing and other fields. According to this ruling, the Islamic Republic is supposed to consider women's chewing gum to men's hair curlers as a violation, so that students can be controlled from the shape of their lips and eyebrows to their eyelashes and hair, and the violators will be suspended or expelled. According to this policy, before entering, students are required to sign a "written commitment" that they will implement the values of the Islamic regime. The regime has gone even further and has decreed that in order to enter the educational, research, health and treatment environments, the institutions must determine a suitable and uniform model for students. In this announcement, socks, shoes, pants, and hats, to the shape of nails, eyelashes, and hair, even makeup of lips, eyes, and eyebrows are discussed, and a framework has been set for how they should be done.

The Islamic Republic has introduced hijab as the main pillar of its system and has tried to impose it on the people in war and flight. The resistance of the brave women of our country prevented the Islamic regime from implementing its imposed and compulsory hijab plan. Mandatory hijab at the peak of the Islamic Republic's power was also the subject of women's confrontation with the repression forces and regime authorities. This war and flight ultimately led to the defeat of the rulers in the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement. This failure has been confirmed and the inner circles of the regime have also admitted it. The compilation of the "New Executive Code of Behavior and Dress" or the approval of the "Comprehensive Plan of Chastity and Hijab" shows the fact that the desperate efforts of the regime have not led anywhere after four decades.

The Left Party of Iran believes that the Islamic Republic has failed miserably in imposing the compulsory hijab and its Islamic model, not only in the minds of the people, but also in the minds of the regime leaders. Passing new laws and applying any new punishments will not be able to cover up the regime’s helplessness. For more than forty years, the Islamic Republic has been trying to impose its degenerate "Style of Behavior and Dress" with bullets and prisons, but at every opportunity the people get, they rise up against this medieval culture and implement their own will and desire. The regime, by establishing plans and laws, using batons, bullets and prisons, can bring people's voices of protest from the streets into their homes for a short period of time, but it cannot keep these voices confined in homes and prisons for a long time. Sooner or later, people's cry of protest against force, discrimination and injustice will reach the streets, they will bring down the corrupt ruling system and close the chapter of the life of the tyrant oppressor forever.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
September 27, 2023

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