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We Condemn Trump's Threat against the International Criminal Court!

We Condemn Trump's Threat against the International Criminal Court!

We Condemn Trump's Threat against the International Criminal Court!

Following an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC) into allegations of war crimes committed by the US military and its intelligence services in Afghanistan, Donald Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) authorizing sanctions and additional visa restrictions against the ICC personnel.

Earlier this year, the ICC launched an investigation into allegations that the US and Afghan forces had committed war crimes in Afghanistan. It has also launched an investigation into human rights crimes committed by the Taliban forces.

Trump's EO says anyone who "acts directly on behalf of the ICC to interrogate, arrest, detain or pursue any member of the US military without our permission", will be subject to sanctions. He attributed this to the protection of "the rights of the American people" and concluded that "actions of the ICC are violation of the American people’s rights and threat to the US national sovereignty."

Under Trump's EO, an investigation into "US allies" will also be threatened, which is clearly targeting the ICC's inquiry into Israel's actions against the Palestinian people.

We see Trump's EO and this approach of the US as an egocentric act, an incitement to war crimes and other major crimes, and a cause for undermining the ICC, the creation of which has strengthened hopes for judicial justice in the world. We condemn any pressure or threat against the ICC and call on all peace lovers and advocates to protest against this move by the US government.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) -International Relations

June 17, 2020

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