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In solidarity with the campaign of "Corona vaccine for all"

In solidarity with the campaign of "Corona vaccine for all"

In solidarity with the campaign of "Corona vaccine for all"

The pandemic spread of the corona virus in the world and its deadly consequences require the need for transnational cooperation in controlling it and coordinated actions by the leaders of countries and international institutions.

To control the corona virus pandemic, there is a need for widespread and relatively simultaneous vaccination around the world to overcome it by creating immunity in more than 65% of the population.

If universal immunity is provided in just some parts of the world, there is a possibility of dangerous mutations of the virus that could be resistant to existing vaccines. This can trigger a new pandemic.

The head of the World Health Organization declares that not one dose of vaccine has yet been allocated to 130 countries with population of 205 million.

Inequality and discrimination in the distribution of life saving opportunities have increased the risk for vulnerable groups in society. The unfair distribution of corona vaccine throughout the world poses widespread life and financial hazards now.

In the global Covid-19 epidemic, the corona vaccine should be recognized as a common wealth good, such as air, and efforts must be made to make it available to all people of the world.

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) announces its support for the "Vaccine for All" campaign.

We demand the approved corona vaccine formulas to be available to all countries and pharmaceutical companies.

We support the WHO's call for an end to the nationalist monopoly on the corona vaccine.

It is essential to accelerate the production and distribution of the corona vaccine. To increase production, more facilities should be activated under the supervision of the WHO in different parts of the world.

The wealthy countries and institutions around the world must provide sufficient funding to the WHO to accelerate the production and distribution of corona vaccine.

We advise the people of Iran and the world to vaccinate themselves. The Iranian government should work closely with the WHO as soon as possible to ensure the fair delivery of the approved vaccines to our country and to provide speedy, fair and free vaccinations for all.

Our party calls on all parties, organizations, NGOs and all the people of the world to support the "Vaccine for All" campaign.

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