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Intensification of Censorship and Attack on Citizens' Livelihood, Rights, and Freedoms!

Intensification of Censorship and Attack on Citizens' Livelihood, Rights, and Freedoms!
"Protection of Users' Rights in Cyberspace" Plan

The plan to "protecting the rights of users in cyberspace and regulating social media", which had been prepared by the repressors for a long time and had been waiting for an opportunity to be passed in the parliament, was just discussed in the Islamic Republic parliament when from 40 days ago, the strike of contract workers in the oil and petrochemical industry continue across the country, accompanied by a wave of declarations of support and civic solidarity. Also, the uprising of the people of Khuzestan against water shortage has created a new dynamism in public opinion. In this regard, solidarity with the people of Khuzestan has gone beyond the cities of this province and has been echoed in other areas of the country. The continuation of rallies against the regime, its destructive policies, and the support of civil society organizations with the rightful demands of the people of Khuzestan has clearly frightened the regime. The hasty decision to approve and implement a security plan to tighten cyber control in such circumstances indicates the regime's intention to tighten its policy of repression and censorship and to prevent the spread of information and dissemination of news of popular protests on the eve of a change of government.

In fact, this plan, contrary to its name, is a violation of "users' rights in cyberspace" and above all, another violation of the rights and freedoms of the people. The plan has met with widespread opposition from cyberspace activists, a campaign with a million signatures, business owners, and even some circles within the regime. This plan was voted on in a closed session without any comments and criticisms, without observing the bylaws, and by avoiding any discussion in the mandated parliament floor, and with 121 votes in favor, 74 against and 9 abstentions, it was assigned to a commission in the parliament to be approved in secret and, after approval by the Guardian Council, to be implemented in accordance with Article 85. This indicates a rush to impose more and new restrictions on people and disrupt the mass media. The regime's rush in this matter is such that it even violates its usual legal procedure and leaves the approval and implementation of this plan in the hands of the gangs behind the scenes, and in addition to intensifying the atmosphere of censorship and repression, destroys thousands of jobs in social networks.

The hard core of the power has advanced the plan of "unification of the regime" and the "Islamic regime" in the parliamentary and presidential elections and now seeks to implement the fourth stage of its plan, the "Islamic society" and the unification of society. This plan is a prelude to the "Islamic Society" at the same time as the appointment of a criminal leader to the presidency, the intensification of violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens and the more severe suppression of popular protests across the country. This plan has been approved to stifle and close the breathing space of society and seeks to deprive society of all popular social networks and minimize access to them. The consequences, however, will cause severe damage to the country's economy, especially to small businesses that make their living through virtual networks and communication with users.

At a time when the world economy is rapidly becoming "digital" in various fields, any country that deprives itself of this potentiality will practically lag behind in development and will prevent its people from achieving prosperity. Statistics show that about 70% of people in our country use the "Internet" and are active in cyberspace. Today, the virtual world is intertwined with the lives of millions of Iranians, with the activities of academics, cultural figures, small and large businesses, civil and political activists. If this plan is implemented, in practice, it will lead to more poverty in the society. These days, many housewives make a living from cyberspace to support their families.

According to paragraph 2 of this plan, the supply and provision of domestic and foreign social media services in the country requires registration in a single window and compliance with the laws of the country. The activity of influential foreign and domestic media will be subject to the approval of the Regulation Board. Otherwise, their activity in the country is illegal. According to this plan, foreign mass communication networks will be filtered if they do not establish their official representative office in Iran, and again, according to this plan, the speed of access to them can be reduced. Another goal of this plan is to direct people to internal messengers, which are not only under the control of regime institutions, but also do not have the necessary efficiency and are not attractive to the people due to the dominance of security institutions over these networks.

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) condemns and rejects the plan to further restrict access to the Internet and mass communication networks. Free access to the Internet is everyone's right. Any restrictions in this field are attacks on the inalienable rights and freedoms of citizens and a violation of the fundamental rights of the general public to enjoy the free and uncensored circulation of information. We call on all freedom fighters, civil society activists, human rights organizations and all those who are exposed to economic, scientific and cultural damage as a result of this anti-democratic plan to oppose the resolution of the Islamic Republic Parliament. Let us try to defeat the regime's new aggression against the fundamental rights of the people, and by encouraging the people to stand up to the regime's aggression, strengthen the power to repress the oppressors in society. Let us overwhelm the regime's conspiracy to block the progress of the people's rising movement against tyranny and dictatorship.


Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

August 2, 2021

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