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Postponement of the Vienna Talks will Propel the Iranian People to more Catastrophe!

Postponement of the Vienna Talks will Propel the Iranian People to more Catastrophe!

The policy of suspending and postponing of the Islamic Republic regarding the JCPOA negotiations has become more tragic for the country, and by leading Iran to another catastrophe, it even raises the possibility of a military conflict. The steps taken by the Islamic Republic following the withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA in violation of its commitments have become the subject of a new conflict, and restrictions on the International Atomic Energy Agency's oversight of its nuclear activities have added to the complexity of the situation. Now, there is a danger that the nuclear case will be returned to the Security Council, the consequences of which will be targeting the national interest and the people of Iran, and above all the poor.

The sixth round of nuclear talks in Vienna, held on June 20, has been virtually stalled for the past four and a half months. The suspension of the negotiations by the Islamic Republic has fueled consultations aimed at creating a new consensus, which will be to the detriment of the Iranian people. The US special envoy, Robert Mali, during his meeting with officials from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, as well as representatives of the three European powers, discussed the possibility of "all options" if negotiations fail. "A military confrontation with Iran is inevitable and this is the only way to prevent the Islamic Republic from achieving nuclear capabilities," the Israeli prime minister said after a visit to Russia. On the other hand, the Israeli parliament does not hide the fact that it has approved a special military budget of one and a half billion to counter the Islamic Republic's nuclear program. The ground for these plans has been created, first of all, by the Islamic Republic, and especially by the current government, which is completely obedient to Khamenei.

Our country, even in its current situation is in a critical situation. Paralyzing economic sanctions, in addition to having a direct and destructive effect on people's lives, have made Iran's economic relations with the world difficult and impossible in many areas, and have become a destructive factor in the country's economic collapse. The Islamic Republic, by drastically reducing oil revenues and constantly increasing the amount of liquidity, has committed a blatant theft from the people's livelihood. The International Monetary Fund estimated the net debt of the Iranian government last year at more than 30% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP), and the deterioration in this area becomes clearer when, according to the same source, this figure averaged 6.5% during 2007-2017. In this regard, the country’s Planning and Budget Organization (PBO) has warned that by 1403 (2024), due to the current limited relationship with the world financial markets, the debt of the Islamic Republic to the banks may reach 50% of GDP, which means nothing but bankruptcy of this government. The report of the country's PBO indicates that if the sanctions continue, the dollar exchange rate may reach the threshold of three hundred thousand tomans (284 thousand tomans) by 1406 (2027). The report explicitly states that if the current situation continues, the ratio of government debt to GDP will rise to about 150 percent.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) considers the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic as the main obstacle to establishing normal relations with the world and the cause of intensifying the country's all-out crises, including the deterioration of the economic situation and believes that the way out of these sufferings is for the government to retreat from these policies and return to the Vienna negotiating table. Negotiations that need to focus on the nuclear issue to address this issue and pave the way for its guarantee and stabilization by pushing the Islamic Republic back from its regional policies. The cessation of negotiations will not result in anything but a deterioration of the situation, further isolation of the country, destruction of the economy and loss of opportunities for its growth and development. In the current situation, the JCPOA issue will be resolved most of all by changing the policies of the Islamic Republic. The way to save the country from the risk of war and economic bankruptcy is to de-escalate tensions and normalize relations with other countries based on mutual interests. A policy with which the leaders of the Islamic Republic have so far shown only alienation.

We must be united! It is necessary to put pressure on the Islamic Republic with all our might so that by returning to the negotiating table, it will no longer play with the fate of today and tomorrow of eighty million Iranians. It is necessary to pave the way for the society to overcome the destructive and dangerous situation caused by this regime.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

October 25, 2021

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