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Human rights and peace are inseparable!

Human rights and peace are inseparable!
Communique of the “Hamgami” Coalition for a Secular Democratic Republic in Iran on December 10, Human Rights’ Day

 December 10 of this year comes in a situation where the world is involved in wars.  Wars that have taken away basic human rights, including the right to live in peaceful conditions.  More than a year has passed since Russia's attack on Ukraine, which has already caused countless human casualties on both sides and displaced and made homeless around six million Ukrainians, and the prospect of peace is still not in sight.

On the other hand, following the terrorist attacks of Hamas on Israel and the blind revenge of the Netanyahu government, the public atmosphere of the Middle East region and the world has been severely affected. The public opinion of the world is very worried about the war in the region, which is nothing but atrocious killing and destruction. In such a situation The authoritarian government of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), by abusing the global crisis, has started to further suppress and execute a number of activists of the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement. In addition, due to the support of the IRI of the so-called axis of resistance, speculations have increased that our country will be dragged into another devastating civil war.

International Human Rights Day is special for us Iranians in many ways. The Nobel Peace Prize Committee, with the ever-lasting motto of "Women, Life, Freedom", awarded this year's peace prize to Ms. Narges Mohammadi, a human rights activist who is in the prison of the Islamic regime of Iran. Human rights and peace are inseparable and it is for this reason that the Nobel Peace Prize is often awarded to prominent human rights activists. December 10 is the Human Rights Day and on this day, the Nobel Peace Prize is supposed to be awarded to Mrs. Narges Mohammad, but she is still in prison. Although the Islamic Republic pretends to support the people of Gaza, last year it killed hundreds of activists of the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement by shooting them in the streets for crying out for their freedom and civil rights. It sent tens of thousands of people to prison and executed a number of prisoners by torturing and extracting confessions. Even now, when the world's attention is on the war in Gaza, it is busy suppressing and executing protesters.

“Hamgami” Coalition for a Secular Democratic Republic in Iran, warns the leaders of the Islamic Republic to refrain from spreading proxy wars through Lebanese Hezbollah and Iraqi Shia militias Also, we warn them to stop the spreading of the conflict with Israel in Lebanon and Syria through the forces of the "Resistance Front" under the pretext of creating deterrence as soon as possible. The policy of creating and fueling proxy wars has not only imposed heavy costs on the Iranian people and had negative consequences for Iran's economy and national interests, but has also intensified the instability in the region and exposed the people of Iran and the region to more risks.

“Hamgami” Coalition for a Secular Democratic Republic in Iran demands the immediate release of all political prisoners and an end to the torture and execution of protesters and dissidents. We also believe that the human rights activist Narges Mohammadi does not belong in prison and we demand that Ms. Narges Mohammadi be released from prison as soon as possible, so that she can receive her award on December 10, which coincides with the International Human Rights Day.

December 9, 2023
“Hamgami” Coalition for a Secular Democratic Republic in Iran

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