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Iran Needs Solidarity, Freedom, Social Justice and Democracy!

Iran Needs Solidarity, Freedom, Social Justice and Democracy!

Iran Needs Solidarity, Freedom, Social Justice and Democracy!

On the Occasion of the Second Anniversary of the Establishment of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) (LPI (PF))

After a two-year effort to stabilize and emerge its intellectual, schematic and political views, the LPI (PF), entered its third year of existence on April 30th of this year. On the same day of year 2018, the founding congress of our party began and within three days full of passion and hope could establish the LPI (PF) and declare the establishment of a novel left organization in the political arena of Iran.

Our party’s accomplishment within the last two years is the outcome of party members and supporters’ hard work and initiatives. During this period, our party became stronger by welcoming number of comrades and, sadly, suffered loss of few members and active supporters. On this anniversary, we, along with all activists who have advanced our party’s policies and affairs and introduced them within the movement spectrum, congratulate the establishment of a democratic and socialist left organization that has emerged from the heart and experience of the Fadaie movement and feel loss of those who are not among us anymore.

On this anniversary, as a part of the historical left movement in Iran, this is our party’s obligation, to salute all Fadaian who dedicated their lives in the course of fifty years of Fadaian history and all fighters that in the course of the last century tolerated difficult times and deprivations and devoted their lives for freedom and social justice ideals.

The motive of the unity of the three streams was the common theoretical and schematic developments that they had challenged in the context of both achievements and failures of the global left movement and consequences of the Iran's 1979 revolution. At the end, this move led to the unity of that part of Fadaian who had enough capacity and motivation for unity in theory, political platform, policies, party structure and relations within the party.

The main message of the founding congress to the Iranian society was that the straightaway demand of the society needs a united left and the congress is determined to respond to this necessity. According to this message, we are that kind of left that is alien to isolationism and eager to operate in large-scale and determined to play an effective role in processes. We are persistent left believing in socialism and its practice in the context of democracy and the interconnectedness of freedom and justice. A left with platform and policy.

This message was reflected in the Charter of the party’s founding congress with strong support. This message declared that transformation of the Islamic Republic to a secular democratic republic is the condition for realization of democracy and freedom, social justice and socialist values in Iran. In addition to the charter, the new party's constitution which represents the democratic relations within the party was passed by the Congress.

Within the first year, at the same time that our party was focusing on the ongoing political activities, introducing itself to the movement and struggling to shape its organizational entities, it was realized that developing the party’s general direction of platform and policies was a necessity. After their passage in July 2019, these documents were introduced to the movement.

We are committed before the movement not to hide insufficiencies which left and democratic movement in Iran is more or less facing. In our founding congress, we responded only partially to the necessity of the left unity. However, many unresolved issues are before us.

In this evolutionary process, our party steps forward and tries to advance the structural aspect of this unity. But it is no secret that we are faced with new challenges. Our most reliable hope that overcome any problems is our determination to safeguard and strengthen the unity accomplishment. We do not believe in "iron unity". We believe in diversity and pluralism of opinion but unity in action and being loyal to it.

We are aware that many eagers are looking forward to our deeds, testing and controlling the quality and quantity of the work that our party is pursuing. They are waiting for the party as the party is waiting for them. Our message to these older and younger generations of social justice fighter comrades in Iran and world is; watch us, test us – in fact yourselves - in close collaboration and cooperation.

We expect our Fadaie comrades in Iran to consider this party as the logical continuation of our historical movement and as faithful to original humane ideals that reflects experiences and lessons learned from its 50 years of history in its daily activities. This new house - the LPI (PF) – belongs to any militant left, including and foremost, those Fadaian who are loyal to socialist ideals.

By taking positions and presenting proposals from its establishment two years ago, our party has tried to expose its political views and platform to the sight and judgement of the movement and have impact on our country’s political processes.

Our strategic policy and approach focus on preparation of necessary means for power transition from the Islamic Republic. During the course of this transition and its aftermath of realization of secular democracy, forces who fight for justice, freedom, democracy and against all forms of discrimination play a worthy and effective role. Regarding the type of power structure, we have defined our strategic goal as establishment of a secular democratic republic and in our unity policies emphasize on unity of secular republican democrats.

Our party emphasizes on importance of struggle for a broad alliance of left forces in both current situation and aftermath of the Islamic Republic era. The rationale for our existence is the need of Iran and the world for solidarity, freedom, social justice and democracy. For this purpose and its practical realization, we try not to miss any opportunities to generate a coalition of secular republican democrats committed to the transition of the current regime among the opposition. Also, in the path to transitioning from the current regime, we encourage dialogue between the opposition forces.

On the occasion of entering the third year of the LPI (PF) life, the Political-Executive Bureau of the LPI (PF) congratulates all members of the party. In the name of all the members, we extend our hands to those who are compassionate towards mass laborers, defenders of the rights of discrimination victims, and every one that his heart beats for socialist ideals and warmly welcome any positive response.

Long live freedom, democracy, social justice in Iran and a peaceful world with a healthy environment!

Political-Executive Bureau of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

30 March 2020

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