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On Solidarity with the Protests of the American People against Injustice and Discrimination, we Condemn Killing of George Floyd by the Police!

On Solidarity with the Protests of the American People against Injustice and Discrimination, we Condemn Killing of George Floyd by the Police!

On Solidarity with the Protests of the American People against Injustice and Discrimination, we Condemn Killing of George Floyd by the Police!

The killing of George Floyd, an African-American citizen during his detention, has once again provoked widespread protests against discrimination and racism in the United States. The release of a video of this murder has caused a storm of anger and disgust. "I can't breathe," George Floyd told the white police, who was kneeling on his neck, for eight minutes and 46 seconds. The release of this film has not only angered and revolted many American people, it has aroused the anger and astonishment of everyone around the world from all the violence against the people of colour of the United States. Forensic medicine has officially confirmed the cause of death of George Floyd due to pressure on his neck.

From May 25, 2020, millions of people have taken to the streets in more than 75 cities across the United States every day, condemning racism and discrimination and calling for justice and the punishment of wrongdoers. People who have raised their voices against racism are outraged by the continued killing of civilians by those responsible for their care and security and are outraged by the failure of efforts to improve the performance of the police, the judiciary and the intolerance of the prevailing conditions. The scope of the protests is very wide. The vast scope of the protests and significant participation of whites and other Americans, especially the younger generations, point out that large sections of the American civil society are united against violence and injustice.

The Trump administration has pursued a policy of countering popular protests and returning them to their homes, even using the military. Trump's presence at the White House has encouraged right-wing and racist supporters to use violence. Trump himself has not missed moments of escalating violence against protesters. He has made it clear that his policy is to end the protests by resorting to the force and violence. Meanwhile, demonstrations and rallies in some places have sometimes turned to violence between police and some protesters. But the demonstrators' dominant effort is to lead the protests peacefully. So far, thousands have been arrested, hundreds injured and several have been killed. These limited conflicts have been used by the Trump administration as an excuse and threatened implementation of martial law. In Washington, police and the National Guard have used tear gas, plastic bullets and sound grenades to disperse peaceful protests in front of the White House Park. In some cities and other parts of the United States, on the other hand, the police have been on their knees in solidarity with the protesting citizens. Many governors have ignored orders from the White House and the president, disregarded Trump's racist threats and populist propaganda and the defense minister has opposed sending troops to quell the protests.

The rightful and general uprising of the American people against discrimination and injustice began with a spark of protest against the killing of George Floyd, but is reminiscent of the great civil uprisings in American history, from opposition to the Vietnam War to the 1960s civil movement and Martin Luther King era. Its precursor began with the Wall Street Occupation Movement and dozens of other examples, including the strong presence of people like Sanders in the US presidential election, as well as among elected members of Congress who officially consider themselves socialists and leftists. The recent uprising is another shock to the world of politics in the United States of concerns and Billionaires. It is a move in the direction of change in situation in favor of the vast majority of the people. It is a struggle against environmental degradation and for freedom and public security of the people. It is a move to challenge Trump's "America First" rhetoric which is ​​in conflict with the international institutions and all human achievements and reflected in the intensified US government's imperialist and hegemonic rivalries over the past four years. However, if opposition to the Vietnam War had the unified theme of opposition to the war, if Luther King's movement had the theme of fight for black civil rights, if "Wall Street Occupation” Movement had a clear direction against inequality, a unified theme cannot be defined for the recent uprising. The current uprising is all of the above and more than that, and at the same time, none of them, but at the same time it carries a set of goals within itself.

The continuation of the nationwide protests since May 25 has shown the depth of hatred and disgust for racism, structural discrimination and the racist views and beliefs of police in the American society which have intensified since the right-wing and populist Donald Trump administration came to power. In spite of existence of freedoms and scientific and technical abilities, the United States, as the world's largest military and economic power, suffers from discrimination and inequality, which have intensified due to the rule of neoliberal capitalism, have always been fraught with such catastrophes. Expansion and organization of protests, in their continuation could transform from a topical uprising into a stable civil rights movement. It can take American society one step further and narrow the field for racist tendencies in the country's political scene.

The European Union (EU) has expressed its disgust with the killing of George Floyd and condemned "all forms of violence and racism". While supporting the right to peaceful protests, the EU called for immediate action to reduce tensions in the American society. People have taken to the streets in a number of European cities to express their support for the protests in the United States.

While sitting on the sea of ​​blood of the Iranian people, the Islamic Republic (IR), hypocritically exploits the violence of the American police against its own people and sheds "crocodile tears" for the American people. Khamenei, the Supreme Leader, is demanding the US administration apologizes but himself has not announced at least names of the victims of the latest massacre, which was carried out on his personal orders in November 2019. He is not even willing to answer the grievances of grieving families whose loved ones were killed in the Ukrainian plane shot down by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) under his command.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian), by expressing its disgust with discrimination and crime against blacks and other people of color in the American society, calls for justice for George Floyd and similar racist killings. Rising up against racism and discrimination is the right and need of the American people. We support the civil struggle of the American people and consider it a step towards a just and humane society and we sympathize with the pro-equality and anti-discrimination movement in the United States.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

June 3, 2020

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