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The "Election" Show Ended with the Announcement of the "Victory" of the Regime’s Candidate.

The "Election" Show Ended with the Announcement of the "Victory" of the Regime’s Candidate.

Press Release

The "Election" Show Ended with the Announcement of the "Victory" of the Regime’s Candidate.

Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran announced an individual as the president of Iran, whose "victory" before the "election" seemed certain. The Guardian Council, the Supreme Leader’s appointed body, had previously disqualified all 14 candidates from the Reform Front, including Jahangiri, Rouhani’s deputy and a prominent fundamentalist and former Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has now announced that Ebrahim Raisi has been "elected" with 61,9% of the votes, while the turnout has been 48,8%. But polls by the regime-affiliated institutions in recent months have shown a widespread reluctance on the part of the Iranian people to participate in the election. Objective evidence and reports from neutral sources also indicated the people’s boycott of large-scale. Our party, as well as the vast majority of political forces inside and outside Iran, boycotted the election. Hence, the accuracy of the announced figures is questionable.

Ebrahim Raisi is one of the main perpetrators of the executions of the last four decades, especially the massacre of the Black Summer of 1988. He is accused of participating in the murder of thousands of political prisoners in 1988, who were mostly tried and sentenced to prison and awaiting the end of their imprisonment and release. Ebrahim Raisi, who is accused of murder, has been promoted several times. He was appointed head of the judiciary two years ago and will now be president for the next four or possibly eight years with the support of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic.

Elections in the Islamic Republic are not free, fair, and competitive. Opposition parties and critics of the regime do not have the opportunity to run freely and participate in the election process. The fate of the elections is determined not by the people's vote, but first and foremost by the institutions affiliated with the leadership of the Islamic Republic. Therefore, in practice, the person who is "elected" does not take accountability to the demands of the voters and is more subject to the will of the Supreme Leader.

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) considers the "election" of Raisi to be a step towards increasing pressure on Iranian civil society, intensifying the repression of political and civil activists, and continuing the tense policy in the international arena. Together with all the forces defending peace, freedom, and social justice, we will fight against the regime’s policy of repression and escalation of tensions in the region and the world. We call for free and fair elections, establishment of a secular and democratic republic, and the enactment of laws in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) - International Relations

June 19, 2021

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