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Embrace the Afghan refugees with open arms!

Embrace the Afghan refugees with open arms!

Embrace the Afghan refugees with open arms!

This is a humanitarian duty!

Afghanistan has been involved in war for more than four decades. The Taliban, ousted from power by US and NATO forces 20 years ago, fought the central government for two decades in a series of terrorist operations and finally they regained power last week without the slightest resistance. As a result, Taliban re-established its black shadow over Afghanistan. The shocked people of our neighboring country, stunned by the Americans' panic in leaving Afghanistan and the rapid collapse of the corrupt Kabul government, are watching the scene with utmost concern and horror. Frightened, they are seeking a safe place to live away from the nightmare of Taliban's rise to power. Although the system of government in Kabul is still unclear but the shadow of the Taliban's domination of the country and their criminal activities is now the bitter reality.

Despite the certainty of Taliban's ominous domination of Afghanistan, resistance is emerging. In recent days, some people in Kabul, Jalalabad and Asadabad have been protesting against the Taliban, demanding that the national flag be retained instead of the black and white flag of the Taliban. These protests have resulted in the deaths of several civilians by the Taliban. There are also signs of resilience in Panjshir, which, although it is not yet possible to make a clear assessment of its direction but it has produced sparks of hope.

At the same time, scores of Afghan citizens have fled the country. Crowds have lined up at the airport in Kabul in order to leave the country and according to Taliban sources, more than twelve people have been killed at the airport so far due to the crowds and shootings. Meanwhile, some parts of the population have crossed the land borders into the neighboring countries. It is in this context that Iran, due to the residency of thousands of Afghan citizens, the existence of a long border with Afghanistan, having ancient historical and cultural relations and common interests between the two nations, and being the passage way to Europe, will face a widespread wave of asylum seekers.

While we wish that the people of Afghanistan could raise the banner of resistance against Taliban by organizing their civil and political struggles throughout the country, but we consider the action of groups of people to leave their homeland as a reality of today's Afghanistan. In the current situation where citizens of this country intend to immigrate to Iran for any reason, it is a human and patriotic duty that we, Iranians, help our Afghan brothers and sisters. At such times, our compatriots are expected to recognize the suffering of Afghan refugees and to open their arms to the struggling and toiling people of our neighboring country.

We, the people of Iran, who ourselves bear the wounds of tyranny and suffer from monopoly, corruption, discrimination and injustice; We, the millions of Iranians who have fled the country because of the current regime, can well understand how will the fundamentalist regime of Taliban treat the people of this country. In addition, it is a fact that any kind of cooperation with the people of Afghanistan is itself a form of struggle to free our region from the shackles of reactionary and extremist forces. In such context, it must also be noted the fact that in the past, both the rulers and some of our compatriots have treated Afghan refugees in such manners that has brought shame upon us. Therefore, we must be doubly vigilant now that such clashes do not take place again.

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) calls on all compatriots to welcome the Afghan immigrants and to press the Iranian government to accept asylum seekers. We call on all freedom fighters to coordinate their efforts to intensify the struggle for the protection of the asylum rights of Afghan citizens in Iran. Although it is a fact that the new wave of asylum seekers has its own difficulties in the face of a severe economic crisis in Iran, but it is also the fact that the Afghan refugees are a contentious and hardworking people and that at the moment, international services are available to help countries accepting refugees. Therefore, it is necessary to have a progressive approach to the possible refusal from the government in this regard.

Bottom line, this is the time that we do whatever we can to help Afghan refugees.

The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)

August 22, 2021

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