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The Large Gathering in Isfahan is Another Form of Powerful Protest

The Large Gathering in Isfahan is Another Form of Powerful Protest

The Large Gathering in Isfahan is Another Form of Powerful Protest

On the twelfth day of the farmers' protest rally, a large group of people from Isfahan joined them in a large gathering and demonstrated another face of Iran protesting against the policies of the Islamic Republic. In this large gathering, slogans such as "What happened to my Zayandehrood (Zayandeh River - life giving river)", "Flowing Zayandehrood is our indisputable right", "return Zayandehrood, Let Isfahan breathe ", "We will take back our water quota, at the expense of our lives", "we will not return home until there is water in the river" and "Equality, justice, this is the demand of the nation" were shouted by the protesters. People also sang with a melodious rhythm: "We are from Zayandehrood, we are alive with water, your dryness is our sorrow, we are not satisfied with it."

The farmers' protest gathering started on Monday, November 8, with a rally in front of the Regional Water Company and the Radio and Television of the capital of Isfahan province. In the meantime, the farmers of East Isfahan with red tents and the farmers of West Isfahan with blue tents that they had set up on the dry floor of the river, despite the cold weather, have spent days and nights there.

Farmers are protesting against the cutting of " water quota ". They say: "Spending water in industries such as tiles and steel that should be built by the sea, not in a province miles away from the sea, is discrimination against farmers." The agricultural lands of East Isfahan, where most of the crops are wheat, barley, and alfalfa, have now become a source of dust and the living conditions of nearly one million farmers living in this province are in crisis.

The crisis of water shortage and drought is not unique to Isfahan and is one of the major challenges that our country is facing and its devastating effects are becoming more and more apparent and causing protests by the people of some provinces and farmers who have suffered a lot in the last decade. The people of Khuzestan also took to the streets a few months ago in different cities of the province to protest the water shortage and chanted slogans against the regime and its destructive policies.


Lack of rainfall and drought in the last decade, and especially this year, is a bitter reality in our country. However, the people rightly consider the main cause of the water shortage crisis in the destructive and unprofessional actions and policies of the Islamic Republic and strongly protest against it. At a large rally on Friday, people called for the resignation of "incompetent managers" and groups of them chanted anti-regime slogans. A few months ago, similar to the situation in Isfahan province, the people of Khuzestan took to the streets in different cities of the province to protest the water shortage and chanted slogans against the regime, led by Ali Khamenei.

The problem of water shortage will not be resolved by orders from the top and unprofessional work. The need to resolve this problem is freedom of environmental experts, use of capable specialists and managers, formation of specialized committees for comprehensive national and local planning and the freedom of environmental institutions, abandonment of the security view over the location of strategic and water-based industries and its establishment in the central provinces instead of the coastal provinces and the promotion of sustainable development with a systemic view of development. The performance of the Islamic Republic after forty some years has proven that the regime is alien to such plans.


The large gathering of farmers and the people of Isfahan and the merging of the two has shown the protest power of the desperate people and has created more fear among the regime leaders. The regime is unable to suppress such a large gathering, so it is trying to end it with unrealistic promises. What people want is practical action and expert planning to resolve the water super-crisis. Only annually, about four billion cubic meters of water is extracted from the underground aquifers of this province, with one-tenth of that water Zayandehrood will flow and Gavkhooni will not be left without water. Due to the intensification of global warming and the reduction of snow and ice reserves at the source of the country's rivers, escalation of the water crisis and spread of protests is inevitable.


The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) believes that protests against the regime and its policies cannot be silenced. Groups of people from all over the country, especially workers, teachers, retirees, and farmers stand up to protest to fulfill their demands and are not afraid of imprisonment and convictions. Along with the demand’s movement, we are witnessing street uprisings such as the November 2019 uprising and the people's protests. With the large gathering of farmers and the people of Isfahan, another form of protest was added to the strikes, street uprisings and civil disobedience. It is important that these protests do not remain localized within a city and are supported by people in other parts of the country. With the expansion and interconnectedness of the protests and the solidarity of the struggles of different social groups, favorable grounds will be brought about for the transition from the Islamic Republic and the fundamental political transformation.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) 

November 20, 2021

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