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In Support of the Campaign for the Release of Dual National Hostages

In Support of the Campaign for the Release of Dual National Hostages

In Support of the Campaign for the Release of Dual National Hostages

The Struggle for the Release of all Political Prisoners is a National Duty!

For several days now, Barry Rosen, a former hostage of the US Embassy in Tehran, has been on a hunger strike in front of the Coburg Hotel, the site of the nuclear talks, demanding the release of dual national hostages. A number of Iranian political and human rights activists, as well as Nizar Zaka, a former prisoner of the Islamic Republic, have gone on hunger strike in support of the demand for release of the Islamic Republic's hostages. The move has gained widespread support among political and cultural activists.

The Islamic Republic has been trying for more than forty years to suppress and stifle any righteous voice. Over the years, it has used a number of tricks to either kill protesters or imprison them. Arresting citizens under various pretexts is one of the tactics of the Islamic Republic.

One of the inhumane acts of the Islamic Republic is the arrest of dual nationals in order to gain concessions in relations with other countries through hostage-taking. Wherever criminal agents or dispatched terrorists of the regime are trapped, the Islamic Republic takes hostages so that it can emancipate its criminal agents from punishment by bargaining. This policy has so far benefited the regime and in some cases has been well received by the appeasement of the Western governments.

According to human rights defenders, the Islamic Republic holds at least fifteen dual-national hostage and keeps them in prison. They are accused of spying or collaborating with hostile governments. Most of the detainees have been in prison for a long time and have not yet been tried. Recently, French tourist Benjamin Brewer went on a hunger strike to protest the prison conditions and the lack of inquest into charges against him. The Mashhad prosecutor's office accused the French tourist of spying and propaganda against the regime, but nearly 20 months after his arrest, the time of his trial has not yet been determined.

In Iran, the policy of arresting and pressuring prisoners has intensified and flourished since Raisi, the killer, took office. Teachers have been imprisoned for defending their violated rights. Workers, retirees, and other sections of the population have been under pressure for demanding their rights.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) supports the demands of Barry Rosen and a number of human rights activists who have gone on strike in front of the Coburg Hotel in Vienna for the unconditional release of dual nationals. Our party calls on political organizations and human rights activists to put pressure on the Islamic Republic to release all political prisoners by launching large-scale campaigns and actions. We call on party supporters and activists to take an active part in organizing joint efforts for the release of political prisoners. The Islamic Republic can be forced to back off and release political prisoners and dual hostages only through a united and nationwide struggle.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

January 24, 2022

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