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To: The 44th Swedish Left Party Congress

To: The 44th Swedish Left Party Congress

Message of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)


the 44th Swedish Left Party Congress


Dear comrades!

We extend our warm greetings to you and through you to the members and enthusiasts of the party on the occasion of the 44th Congress of the Swedish Left Party.

Our party enthusiastically follows the current trends in your party and appreciates your efforts to protect the rights of the working people and the low-income classes of the society. In the latest effort, your party, led by Comrade Nooshi Dadgostar, has reached an agreement with Social Democrats and Greens to increase low-income retirees’ pensions. Your party's stance on its commitments has increased the party's popularity in public opinion.

Dear comrades,

Unfortunately, we are living in a very contentious world. In particular, the critical situation in relation to Ukraine has caused concern to all of us. NATO is expanding, while Russia sees the membership of its neighbors in this military alliance as a threat. As a left party, we are a pro-peace force and against any military conflict.

We consider military aggression as well as threatening acts from all sides a threat to the world peace. We respect the position of your party, which opposes Sweden's membership in military alliances.

Dear comrades!

While the global Covid-19 pandemic crisis has revealed the need for another alternative to neoliberalism, neoliberalism is determined to re-attack the achievements of democratic and just movements. The left at national and global levels needs to be more and more coordinated to defend the rights of the working people and the global peace.

As an Iranian left party, we are facing a reactionary, repressive, and anti-justice regime that grossly violates human rights, its hands are stained with the blood of thousands of our compatriots and has formed a very bleak balance of injustice and inequality in our society. In the current tensions between the Islamic Republic and the US government over its nuclear program, we advocate a diplomatic and peaceful solution, including prevention of the development of nuclear weapons, strengthening of relevant international institutions, and adherence of all parties to their commitments.

Dear comrades,

The fate of the left is intertwined. Coordinated efforts by left forces to curb neoliberalism and to defend human rights, peace, democracy, and social justice are urgent.

We appreciate your efforts in this area and wish your Congress success.


With comradery greetings,

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)

February 1, 2022

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