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Bloody Repression of Civilians in Iran: To End Impunity, Let Us Raise the Voice of Iranians Before the International Justice!

Bloody Repression of Civilians in Iran: To End Impunity, Let Us Raise the Voice of Iranians Before the International Justice!

Thursday, October 13, 2022

We, lawyers, human rights activists, journalists, students and citizens, cannot close our eyes to the bloody images that reach us from Iran every day.

On the 19th day of the unprecedented mobilization of Iranian men and women against the mandatory hijab, the theocratic regime in power and against its oppressive laws, the regime’s repressions have intensified and reached an unprecedented record in the last forty-eight hours.

It seems from many consistent and reliable sources that on the night of October 2, 2022, the security forces extensively attacked Sharif University in Tehran and shot at the demonstrators, who were mostly students.

These encroachments on people's rights, and the incredible violence, have been widely documented. Films and videos that have been broadcast and published despite the internet being cut off by the regime authorities show this violence.

According to the latest updated count (up to this moment), hundred civilians have been killed simply for using their inalienable right to demonstrate and express their political opinions.

In addition, thousands of people have been arbitrarily arrested and imprisoned for expressing their opposition to the political regime in power in social networks, newsrooms and universities.

Forced disappearance of demonstrators who are tracked down and arrested in their homes, including a number of well-known figures including actresses, singers, lawyers, journalists, academics (number is increasing every day).

Conditions of their detention, when it is known and documented, is completely inhumane and humiliating. They are systematically denied the advice and assistance of a lawyer. They are deprived of any contact with their families and have no right to communicate with them. They report persistent and well-substantiated evidence of torture and barbarism, mostly against the most active demonstrators or members of opposition political parties.

The speech of the first person of the regime, Ali Khamenei on October 5, not only did not condemn the violence, but also encouraged the police to intensify the repression of the demonstrators. He called the demonstrators rioters and criminals.

Today, there are clear and consistent signs of serious and frequent violations of human rights in Iran, which justify legal actions before competent international judicial authorities or similar, for the following purposes:

On the one hand, all necessary investigative measures should be taken to help reveal the truth about possible abuses attributed to the regime’s officials or relevant organizations.
On the other hand, violence and violation of fundamental rights, particularly against the right of demonstration, freedom of speech and opinion, and the right to a fair trial and the right to defend, and the right to human dignity, should be stopped.
For this purpose, we, lawyers, jurists, academics and human rights activists wish to pool our skills and expertise in support of a joint legal action whose terms are collectively determined to bring the perpetrators of these crimes to justice and not let them go unpunished.

To pursue the above objectives, we propose to assemble a special group for this purpose, consisting of all volunteers who wish to participate in such an action.

If you would like to volunteer, please send an email to the following address:

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