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To: The Honourable Members of the United Nations Human Rights Council 2023 Social Forum

To: The Honourable Members of the United Nations Human Rights Council 2023 Social Forum
نامه به مجمع حقوق بشر سازمان ملل متحد‎‎


UNHRC decision is a slap in the face of the Iranian People

On May 10, 2023, the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), the bloodiest dictatorship of our time, was appointed to the chair of the United Nations Human Rights Council 2023 Social Forum. This is a slap in the face of Iranian people, specially Mahsa “Jina” Amini and hundreds of others who were killed during the movement known as “Women, Life, and Freedom.”

The Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran condemns this action to grant chairmanship to one of the states, which cares the least about the human rights of its citizens and demands the body to rescind this appointment immediately.

The Human Rights council of the United Nations is responsible for safeguarding the human rights of the citizens of its member states, yet by this action it has turned from its obligation against the people of Iran and the human rights defenders throughout the world.

According to credible sources, at least 209 people have been executed since January 1 of 2023. Yet, this international body grants it the authority to lead its Social Forum.  What a shame and disgrace!

We once again call on the Human Rights Council of the UN to revoke its decision and remove the IRI as the chair of the Human Rights Council 2023 Social Forum, or else this body will lose all its legitimacy among the Iranian People.

Coalition for a Secular Democratic System in Iran

May 13, 2023



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