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For Transition from the Islamic Republic, Our Positions and Policy!

For Transition from the Islamic Republic, Our Positions and Policy!
Abstract of the political document for the congress (June 2-4, 2023)

A: The most important event in the recent period of our country is the revolutionary movement "Women, Life, Freedom", which was able to change the political face of the country within a few months. By challenging the dominance of the institutions of repression and questioning the entire regime and discrediting its Supreme leader, Khamenei, and his family, as well as the use of brutal violence, managed to change the political image of the country and arouse the attention of the world. "Women, Life, Freedom" movement is the manifestation of profound irreversible changes in the social and cultural beliefs and values of our society, and in the mirror of its achievements, it has characterized a role of the future face of Iran. The women of our country, who have been relentless fighters against discrimination and injustice against the Islamic Republic since the very first day of the revolution, have played the key role in shaping this revolutionary outcome. The central slogan of this revolutionary movement started and recorded with the name of woman.

B: The Islamic Republic is incapable of curbing the intertwined economic, political, social, cultural and environmental crises in Iran and continues its life by relying on the military, security, intelligence, propaganda organs and resorting to suppressing the people. The violent repression of the regime itself shows the significant gap between the regime and the people, which is increasing day by day.

C: More than 80% of Iranian people, especially women who were the first targets of the Islamic Republic regime's repression, are dissatisfied with the current situation and want to change it.

from our point of view:

1- A large part of the people who want a better life, change towards the realization of freedom, justice and democracy, and the progress of the country, have come to the belief that in the power structure of the Islamic Republic, there is no possibility of change from within, and the way to change is through transition from the regime.

2- In the transition from the Islamic Republic, we rely on social movements, civil institutions, popular uprisings, expansion of protests and strikes, independent organization of the people, integration of people's protest uprisings, street protests, union strikes, general strike, and people's struggles to push back the regime in any field and at any level we consider it as a benefit to the democratic processes and a step forward in the fight against theocratic tyranny.

3- Our focus is on ensuring the large presence of people in the streets, students in protests of universities and schools, national strikes of workers, truck drivers, businesses and markets, protests of teachers and other social groups. The main effort of our party will be to strengthen the organization of various social groups.

4- Our policy in the field of alliances, coalitions and cooperations for the transition:

a.  As a defender force of democratic socialism, we strive for the closeness and unification of the democratic left forces, and welcome dialogue and cooperation with other left movements to form a left block to defend the interests of workers and other wage earners in other fields.

b. In order to transition from the Islamic Republic and replace it with a democratic and secular government in the form of a republic, we are working to strengthen and create a weight of republicans and a broad alliance among the republican forces.

c. We emphasize the dialogue to establish a coordination center for the opposition forces that believe in democracy, secularism and pluralism and in this regard adhere to free elections, ballot box, accepting its results and forming a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution.

d. Currently, many blocs have been formed or are being formed among different factions of the opposition. One of these blocs is the " Cooperation for a Secular Democratic Republic in Iran" coalition, of which our party is one of the members. We will continue to strive for the broadest coalition and unification of Republican forces in one block. The formation of blocs creates new possibilities for the democratic secular opposition forces to reach more collective understandings and agreements and dialogue on the way forward.

e. Dialogue is our principle in relation to the political forces that criticize and oppose the Islamic Republic. Our goal in these talks is mutual understanding of each other's positions, examination of the obstacles to the cooperation of forces, reaching understanding and solutions to overcome them, finding points of commonality and, if possible, organizing cooperation.

5- For the transition from the Islamic Republic, it is necessary to oppose the military attack, economic sanctions against people's livelihoods and alternative making by foreign governments and welcome the international pressure on the Islamic Republic to release political prisoners, stop torture, executions, and ensure human rights.

6- In our political policy, we emphasize that a widespread and non-violent struggle, refraining from revenge and the use of measured policies towards the armed forces, while emphasizing the indisputable right to sue in relation to the regime's crimes, can deepen the divisions within the regime and cause a fall in regime’s institutions and distance from it.

7- Due to the special position of Ali Khamenei as the Supreme Leader in the power structure, his death can lead to formation or deepening of regime divisions, spread of protests, transfer of power, political transformation and formation of transition components from the Islamic Republic. The requirement to take advantage of such developments is to ensure coordination in the secular democratic opposition.

8- The revolutionary movement "Women, Life, Freedom" was deeply non-violent and it had a significant impact on attracting social groups and international support. The struggle based on the principle of avoiding violence is one of the requirements of the transition from the Islamic Republic.

9- The policy of our party is to establish an organic link with the people's demanding and civil movements and to open democratic horizons before this widespread struggle against the regime and its policies. We consistently support these struggles and emphasize the interweaving of freedom and justice.

10- Our strategic motto is to transition from the Islamic Republic, replace it with a secular and democratic republic, hold free elections, form a constituent assembly and draft a new constitution. Our proposed political system is based on the standards of human rights and elimination of any sexual, gender, ideological, religious, national and ethnic discrimination and accordance with the provision of national and ethnic democratic rights. From our point of view, federalism is one of the appropriate ways to decentralize and eliminate national and ethnic discrimination in Iran.

11- We consider the people's struggle against environmental destruction to be an inseparable part of the people's effort to get rid of the destructive policies of the Islamic Republic.

12- Our party is synchronizing with the struggle of women and men against compulsory hijab and fighting for the freedom of covering and equal rights of men and women.

13- We consider the entire regime and Ali Khamenei at its helm to be directly responsible for the continuous chemical attack on girls' schools, and we call all the people of the country to fight against it collectively and civilly.

14- We consider securing the national interests of our country in establishing a stable peace in the Middle East and normalizing relations with the world. In this regard, de-escalation of relations with the West and all countries of the region, including Israel, depends on ending the policy of "Strategic Depth" and adhering to the requirements of securing the country's national interests.

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