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Message of Greeting to the 4th Congress of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)

Dear Comrades, 

We convey the warm greetings of the Iraqi Communist Party to the 4th Congress of the Left Party of Iran and all the delegates, wishing you successful deliberations.

The Congress will contribute to strengthening your party and enhancing its role in bringing together democratic left forces and developing cooperation in the joint struggle. This is has acquired special significance in the aftermath of the widespread protest movement, with a prominent role of women, expressing the legitimate aspirations and yearning of the Iranian people for freedom, democracy, social justice and peace.

On this occasion, we also reiterate our position, along with peace-loving forces in the world, denouncing imperialist threats of external intervention and economic sanctions against Iran, in close collaboration with Israel, to stir up tensions and stoke the flames of war in the Middle East.

Dear Comrades

Your Congress is being held in a turbulent global situation, with the escalation of economic, social and political tensions, armed conflicts and wars. World peace and humanity are facing grave dangers and challenges which constitute the greatest threats since World War II and the end of the Cold War, including threats to use nuclear weapons. The war between Russia and Ukraine has contributed to fuelling war hysteria as well as far-right movements, populism, racism and fascism.

Our party has condemned this war and called for its immediate cessation, resorting to negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations to reach understandings that guarantee the interests of all parties and ensure the right of all peoples to live in safety and peace, away from the scourge and evil of wars.

Dear Comrades, 

Iraq has witnessed the deepening of the all-encompassing structural crisis that is rooted in the existing ethno-sectarian power-sharing system which was installed after the US war, invasion and occupation of Iraq 20 years ago. With the continued spread of corruption, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, and the absence of social justice, there has been an upsurge in the protest movement.

Despite the bloody suppression of the Popular Uprising in October 2019, with 800 young protesters killed, the protests are continuing against a politically bankrupt system and endemic corruption. Iraqi Communists, along with the democratic forces, are continuing the fight for comprehensive change: building a democratic civil state based on social justice.  

Dear Comrades, 

On this occasion, we express our appreciation for the solidarity of your party with the Iraqi people and democratic forces.  

We, once again, wish your 4th Congress every success and look forward to developing the relations between our two parties and the historical ties between the Iraqi and Iranian peoples, for peace, freedom and social progress.

International Relations Committee

Central Committee - Iraqi Communist Party

29 May 2023

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