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"Mandatory Hijab" is a Noose around the Islamic Republic’s Neck!

"Mandatory Hijab" is a Noose around the Islamic Republic’s Neck!

July 18, 2023
After the news of the return of morality police to the streets, on Monday, July 17th, the issue of how to enforce the mandatory hijab was put on the agenda of the Islamic Republic of Iran Parliament. The representative of Hamedan, Ahmad Hossein Fallahi, in a note to the speaker of the parliament, demanded more pressure to control the women’s hijab. He criticized the parliament for the review of the "Chastity and Hijab Bill", which has not yet been completed, and demanded the approval of stricter laws and giving more authorities to police force to put pressure on women. Mohammad Baqir Qalibaf, who is aware of the regime leaders' fear of the resurgence of the movement, replied that "the police force is a law enforcement body and cannot issue a decree or seal a place..." The issue of compulsory hijab is one of the issues that has always been the center of attention of the heads of the regime.

For a long time now, despite the threats and harassment of the regime repression forces, the mandatory hijab in practice has been ignored by the brave women of our country. The history of the struggle against this ultra-reactionary law dates back to the beginning of the regime’s birth. From the day after the Islamic Republic came to power, a huge demonstration started in Tehran against the mandatory hijab, and after that, the struggle continued with ups and downs, and at different times, either by raising a scarf on the tip of a stick, which became known as the movement of the “Girls of the Revolution Street”, or in street demonstrations, this struggle has not stopped. During the "Women, Life, Freedom" revolutionary movement, the disregard and humiliation of this law peaked, and today, in its continuation, it has maddened the regime. Finding a way out of this predicament has taken most of most time and energy of the rulers. From the dictatorial and imprudent leader of the regime to the governments and parliaments, they are busy unraveling the rope that the regime has wrapped around its hands and feet and is now hanging around its neck.

Last year, with the rise of the Zhina-Mahsa Amini movement, the morality police practically stopped its presence in streets without an official announcement, and even some regime officials implicitly confirmed it. The country's Attorney General, Mohammad Jafar Montazeri, in response to a question raised in connection with the closure of the morality police, he said: "The morality police has nothing to do with the judiciary, and it was closed by the same authorities who established it in the past." With the rise of heat, the type of women's clothing has also become more "problematic" and not only women have removed headscarves, but the clothes have also changed according to the heat and have further "disturbed the religion and faith" of the rulers. Closing clubs, sealing shops and arresting and imprisoning brave women of our country and even humiliating punishments for them such as sending them to a psychologist to unconventional punishments such as forcing them to wash the dead, none of them have been able to make the brave women retreat and. Apart from breaking one of the main pillars of the Islamic justification of the regime, this has destroyed the authority of the regime. The authority to control and counter the movement that will arise eventually is vital for the ruling system.

The Left Party of Iran declares its disgust with the regime's war against women. The women of our country, with the support of freedom-loving men, will undoubtedly defeat this invasion as they have defeated the regime in this field so far. We are confident that the courageous and right-seeking women of Iran will be victorious in this field by standing up for their rights and freedoms in the fight against discrimination and tyranny. Medieval and humiliating punishments were not and are not more effective than whipping, torture and execution. Mandatory hijab by women has long been pushed back in the streets and eventually the Islamic Republic will be surrounded by the national movement against mandatory hijab. The implementation of compulsory hijab will tighten the regime's throat like a rope, and with every attack, the noose around its necks will get tighter. The more the pressure increases, the tighter the noose loop will be.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
July 18, 2023

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