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The Islamic Republic of Iran is Responsible for the death of Javad Rouhi

The Islamic Republic of Iran is Responsible for the death of Javad Rouhi

Javad Rouhi, a political prisoner, for whom three times death sentence had been issued in an unjust, discriminating court, but which had been nullified by the Supreme Court of the country, has died in prison in suspicious circumstances. The news indicate that he has been subjected to continuous torture and annoyance during his interrogation period. In the unjust theocratic regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran physical and psychological torture is a routine practice. This regime has no respect for a fair, transparent and challengeable process.
HAMGAMI (The Coalition for the Secular Democratic Republic of Iran) calls for the freeing of all political-ideological prisoners. In the framework of the “Right to Life Covenant”, HAMGAMI calls also the democratic-minded political forces engaging in the defense of human rights, to make efforts, in solidarity with the political-ideological prisoners for an end to the institution of “political-ideological prisoner”.
HAMGAMI (The Coalition for the Secular Democratic Republic of Iran) considers the Islamic Republic of Iran responsible for the death of Javad Rouhi and calls the Special rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Commission for Iran to institute a special case for the death of Javad Rouhi and to investigate the possibility of his intentional murder.

HAMGAMI (The Coalition for the Secular Democratic Republic of Iran)
September 3, 2023

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