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June 2020

Death penalty against protesters must be revoked!

Confirmation of the death sentences and the threat of further actions against the thousands of protesters who were detained during the November protests and remain in prison indicate the government's fear of other uprisings.

IRAN: View from the Left –issue 6

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
- Khamenei is worried about the progress of the left ideas in universities!
- Solidarity
- Threat against Justice
- Hundred years of struggle for freedom and social justice in Iran
- The disgrace that has become Law
- Endless crimes against Iranian Women

The end of Honor Killings and Violence against Women Requires a Change in the Political Structure and Laws of the Country!

By acceding to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, New York, December 18, 1979, Iran must regulate its domestic laws in compliance with it. Women's rights in the family, the labor market, and the community must also be improved, and the fight against violence against women must become part of the country's education system and all executive bodies. It is necessary to create a culture in this regard by the civil forces, NGOs and experts.

We Condemn Trump's Threat against the International Criminal Court!

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
Trump's EO says anyone who "acts directly on behalf of the ICC to interrogate, arrest, detain or pursue any member of the US military without our permission", will be subject to sanctions. He attributed this to the protection of "the rights of the American people" and concluded that "actions of the ICC are violation of the American people’s rights and threat to the US national sovereignty."

Khamenei is Fearful of the Growth of Leftist Thought in Universities!

As long as capitalist system is alive, as long as profit and capital are in the hands of a very small group of capitalists, as long as labor and nature are exploited, discrimination and inequality rule, poverty and injustice are rampant, the class divide is deepening and freedom is being chained, left will be alive.