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February 2021

To: The Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)

Iraqi Communist Party - International Relations Committee
Celebrating this special event today provides inspiration and further impetus for your members and all progressives in Iran to enhance their unity and continue the fight for democratic change and building a better future.

*Iraqi Communist Party condemns the cowardly armed attack on the party office in Najaf*

Political Bureau -Iraqi Communist Party
Such miserable acts will only make the Iraqi communists in Najaf and in the rest of the country’s provinces more determined to continue the struggle, along with the masses of Iraqi people, to save the homeland and to move relentlessly forward towards building a state based on citizenship, true democracy and social justice.

The guilty verdict of the Belgian Court against Agents of the Iranian Regime

The declaration points out that for decades agents of the Iranian regime have committed murderous acts against members of the Iranian opposition in Europe, and that several prominent figures of the Iranian opposition have become victims of the state-sponsored terrorism organised by the Islamic Republic of Iran

The Iranian Left Needs a Unified Initiative

The declaration of the LPI-PF reminds that the Fadaian movement was founded to break the deadly silence imposed on the Iranian society after the 1953 coup by Anglo-American agents and their Iranian allies.

IRAN: View from the Left – issue 13

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
In this issue you read:
- Words of the month;
- Until the last days;
- Victory is not far away;
- Ideological approach to Covid-19;
- No to Mandatory Election, Yes to Free Election!