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September 2022

A General and Nationwide Strike can Make the Protest Movement Stronger and Paralyze the Regime!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) considers the call of the Coordinating Council of Iranian Cultural Associations for strike, the warning of the Council for Organizing Protests of Oil Contract Workers and the joining of a number of student organizations to the protests as a step towards a general and nationwide strike. In our party's opinion, a general and nationwide strike will give new strength to the protest movement, will paralyze the regime and make the way to liberation shorter.

His Excellency Mr. Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
We call on you to ask the authorities of the Islamic Republic to agree to your meeting with a delegation from that commission, with the detainees of the recent events in Iran, and arrange this meeting as soon as possible.
We eagerly await your action.

Let Us Stand up Against the Oppression of the Regime with Measured Steps!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
We will achieve victory with unity, perseverance and continuous struggle in various forms. Only with the unified movement of the Iranian people can the suppression system of the Islamic Republic be paralyzed. Let the united people show that Iran wants life and it can be substantiated and guaranteed by transitioning from the Islamic Republic and establishment of a republic and democracy.

Le hijab (voile)obligatoire ne peut être aboli qu'avec la volonté du peuple iranien !

Conseil politique - Exécutif du Parti de la gauche iranienne
Malgré 44 ans de protestations des femmes, le régime n'a pas accepté d'abolir le hijab obligatoire, mais avec la poursuite des protestations collectives, le gouvernement devrait céder à la liberté des femmes de porter le vêtement de leur choix . La République islamique n'a pas pû et ne pourra pas à l'avenir dissuader les femmes de leurs revendications par la répression et l'emprisonnement, et l'appareil de répression ne pourrait arrêter des millions de manifestants et les jeter en prison.

We Support the Call for a General Strike on Monday, September 28th, in Kurdistan, Iran!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
Once again, while expressing our sympathy with the family of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini and with the people of Iran and expressing our disgust for the murderous crime of the regime, we consider the corrupt regime of the Islamic Republic, headed by Ali Khamenei, to be the main responsible for such crimes. In the fight against pressure and repression, our party stands with the people, especially the broad-minded women of our country and all those who want to get rid of the Islamic regime.

Mahsa Amini was Killed by Guidance Patrol (Gasht-e Ershad)! Expressing Disgust at the Crime of the Islamic Regime!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian), while expressing its sympathy with the family of Mahsa Amini and expressing disgust for the crime of the Guidance Patrol of the regime, declares that the main responsible for such crimes is the corrupt regime of the Islamic Republic, headed by Khamenei. In the fight against pressure and oppression, our party stands with the people, especially the broad-minded women of our country, and asks for abolition of the Guidance Patrol and mandatory....

Let Us Launch a Massive Campaign Against Raisi the Murderous!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The left party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) considers the presence of Ebrahim Raisi, the murderer of thousands of children of the Iranian people, in the United Nations General Assembly as an opportunity to expose the crimes of the Islamic Republic. Our party invites all freedom-loving people who do not tolerate the atrocities of the Iranian regime, to participate in the campaign against the Islamic Republic and its murderous ...representative in every viable way they can. Considering all the efforts made in this field as positive, we ask

IRAN: View from the LEFT 32

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
One- Iraq wants and needs a leader untainted by suspected foreign patronage.
Two - The government apparatus needs to be cleansed of corruption.
Three - Iraq needs a secular government. Cooperation between Shiite and Sunni forces can be a step in the right direction.
Despite his erratic and sometime contradictory policies, Mr. Sadr may yet be the person to lead this movement. Regardless of whether or not his resignation is final, however, it is hoped that the movement behind the three goals above will carry on. The loss of his...