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Let Us Stand up Against the Oppression of the Regime with Measured Steps!

Let Us Stand up Against the Oppression of the Regime with Measured Steps!
Let Us Paralyze the Repression Apparatus of the Regime by Uniting!

September 22, 2022


Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

The widespread movement of people with the slogan "Women, Life, Freedom" has shaken the Islamic Republic. This movement, with the wide participation of young people and women, has risen with an angry reaction against the murder of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini by the regime to confront an autocratic, discriminatory, corrupt and criminal regime. Now, the regime has once again decided to send Hezbollah gangs to the streets again on Friday, first day of Fall in the name of "People". At the same time, the corrupt commanders of the IRGC have declared the general protests as a new "sedition" in a statement.

In such a situation, it is necessary for the people's movement to intelligently take measures against the oppressive decisions of the regime to neutralize the evil plans of the regime with the least cost. therefore:

  • Hold the protests in areas where regime supporters do not gather, so that it does not lead to a conflict.
  • In order to justify the repression and mobilization of its supporting forces, the Islamic Republic falsely raises the issue of burning the Koran and insulting the people's religion. Exclude those who participate in the protests on behalf of the regime and take the actions desired by the regime.
  • The regime has arrested a large number of protestors and political and civil activists and sent them to prisons. Let us call for the release of those arrested and all political prisoners.
  • In response to the regime, let us strike and protest in schools and universities from Saturday.

We will achieve victory with unity, perseverance and continuous struggle in various forms. Only with the unified movement of the Iranian people can the suppression system of the Islamic Republic be paralyzed. Let the united people show that Iran wants life and it can be substantiated and guaranteed by transitioning from the Islamic Republic and establishment of a republic and democracy.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)


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