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October 2024

Deterioration of the Country's Critical Situation, Risk of Military Conflict, and Exigency of Coordination Between the Opposition Forces!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The recent threats of Netanyahu, the criminal leader of the right-wing government of Israel, to destroy the country, show the determination of the right-wing government of Israel to expand the scope of the current war in Gaza and Lebanon and to implement this government's sinister plan to change the map of the Middle East with more destruction and bloodshed. As we have seen in Gaza, the main victims of the military conflict between the Israeli government and the Islamic Republic will be the defenseless people and the existing infrastructure of the country.

Stop the war in the Middle East, for peace, freedom, and democracy!

Despite our diverse perspectives, we the signatories of this statement as a third voice, oppose the warmongering and aggression of both sides of this conflict. We call on the United Nations, its member states, human rights organizations, and peace and democracy supporters in Iran, Israel, the region, and the world to increase pressure on all sides involved in the conflict, work toward an immediate ceasefire, prevent the war from spreading to new fronts, and stop the war.

Por el restablecimiento de la paz, libertad y democracia, parad la guerra en el Oriente Medio

Nosotros los firmantes de esta declaración, con diferentes tendencias ideológicas, estamos totalmente en contra del belicismo y beligerancia de las partes implicadas, y pedimos a la ONU, países miembros, instituciones de los Derechos Humanos y a toda la humanidad partidaria de la paz y democracia en Irán, Israel, y el mundo, que presionando al máximo a todas las partes implicadas, así como trabajando incesantemente para un alto el fuego inminente, impedir la extensión de la guerra a otras frentes nuevas y parar la guerra.

Arrêtez la guerre au Moyen-Orient pour la paix, la liberté et la démocratie

Nous, les signataires de cette déclaration, en tant que troisième voix adossée à nos différentes visions intellectuelles, sommes contre le bellicisme et le développement entre les deux belligérants de ce conflit, demandons aux Nations Unies et à ses Etats membres, aux organisations de défense des droits de l'homme et aux défenseurs de la paix et de la démocratie en Iran et en Israël, dans la région et dans le monde, d'exercer des pressions sur les deux parties pour empêcher que la guerre ne s'étende à de nouveaux fronts ; nous leur demandons de mener leurs efforts pour établir un cessez-le-feu immédiat dans la région.

The missile strikes on Israel by the Islamic Republic serve to escalate tensions and expand the war!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
The Left Party of Iran, expressing deep disgust and concern over the expansion of war and massacres by the right-wing Israeli government in the region, believes that the main source and context of the conflict in Palestine and Lebanon is Israel's refusal to recognize the basic rights of the Palestinian people to establish their state within the legally recognized borders by the United Nations, the continued illegal occupation of Palestine, the systematic discrimination against a nation, and the decades-long suppression and

IRAN: View from the LEFT, sept 2024, No 57

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran
The only way to end the war and bloodshed is for the supporters of Israel, especially the U.S. and Israel itself, to accept the two-state solution and ensure the independence and security of the Palestinian people, as well as de-escalating relations between the two nations. The United Nations must declare a ceasefire, stop Israel's aggressive war in Gaza and Lebanon, and call for an end to the occupation of Palestinian