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Deterioration of the Country's Critical Situation, Risk of Military Conflict, and Exigency of Coordination Between the Opposition Forces!

Deterioration of the Country's Critical Situation, Risk of Military Conflict, and Exigency of Coordination Between the Opposition Forces!

October 18, 2024

The expansion of Israel's war in Gaza to Lebanon and the direct involvement of proxy and allied forces of the Islamic Republic in this war has increased the possibility of a military attack on Iran. The assassination of Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, following the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and the reaction of the Islamic Republic with repeated Israeli rocket attacks, has opened the way for Israel's counterattack. An attack that can involve our country in a wider military conflict. Enmity with the West, especially the United States, denial of the existence of Israel and military presence in critical areas of the region, the policy of "strategic depth" and the organization of militia forces under the title of "axis of resistance", in addition to the Islamic Republic becoming a cause of tension in the region, the country's involvement in military confrontations in the current critical situation, has become a dangerous matter.

The responsibility for this situation lies primarily with the Islamic Republic, which from the very beginning of its existence has defined itself as a side of the war with Israel and has been a mainstay of the organization of the "axis of resistance" and has wasted the country's resources in order to organize such relations, and today it has spread the shadow of a devastating military conflict over the country.

Our country is going through difficult times. The regime is trying with all its might to maintain its dark rule over the people who are determined to take it down and is continuing the policy of suppression and suffocation. Trade and union activists are still arrested and sentenced to prison. Expensiveness, inflation, unemployment and recession are becoming more widespread. Gatherings of workers, teachers, retirees, etc. are attacked. The government spokesperson does not consider handling the demands of workers, teachers, retirees and nurses as one of the government's priorities, and their demands for a better life are met with repression as usual. There is no prospect to improve people's lives. On the contrary, every day more people fall below the poverty line. Emigration from the country has taken mass dimensions, and those who have stayed are extremely dissatisfied.

During the past 46 years, the Islamic Republic has regressed our country in many fields by imposing a medieval system and has not brought anything other than economic and social destruction and the arrest and killing of thousands of people. Even today, with the suppression of popular movements, it is still struggling to maintain its evil sovereignty over the destiny of the people and the country, but no other force than the will of the Iranian people will be able to save our country from the grip of this evil system. Freedom will not enter the country on the bombers of foreign powers, the liberating force is within the country and in the will of the people who came to the scene in the revolutionary movement "Women, Life, Freedom" and paved the way for liberation.

The recent threats of Netanyahu, the criminal leader of the right-wing government of Israel, to destroy the country, show the determination of the right-wing government of Israel to expand the scope of the current war in Gaza and Lebanon and to implement this government's sinister plan to change the map of the Middle East with more destruction and bloodshed. As we have seen in Gaza, the main victims of the military conflict between the Israeli government and the Islamic Republic will be the defenseless people and the existing infrastructure of the country. It is unfortunate that Netanyahu's threat has been encouraged by a part of the regime's opposition.

In such situations, the democratic and justice-seeking opposition forces of the country should not stand idly by and wait for incidents. Encouraging Netanyahu's government to launch a military attack on the country is as contrary to the interests of the people and the country as standing by the corrupt and autocratic regime of the Islamic Republic, which is the cause of such dangerous conditions for Iran. The opposition of the Islamic Republic should loudly announce its opposition to any foreign attack and at the same time demand the removal of the Islamic Republic as the main cause of all the miseries affecting the country. The opposition forces, with whatever plans they have for the future of Iran, whatever differences they have with each other, based on the minimums and commonalities they have, should redouble their efforts to create a kind of coordination that is needed in the current situation and pave the way for a common outcome. For our part in this field, we have always emphasized on dialogue and consensus and coordination between the forces within the opposition who believe in democracy, secularism and pluralism, free elections, ballot box outcomes and formation of the Constituent Assembly to draft a new constitution. At this moment, we consider it necessary to achieve such coordination within a large part of the opposition forces to oppose military conflict and foreign interference in the country's affairs, and above all to help shape the country's future system.

The Left Party of Iran calls on the forces of the Revolutionary Movement "Woman, Life, Freedom" to protest against the warmongers and the Islamic Republic. We invite all the political organizations and various blocs in the opposition, including the left, republican and democrats, to coordinate their commonalities in confronting the regime of the Islamic Republic and all kinds of warmongers.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
October 18, 2024

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