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IRAN:View from the LEFT Mar 2024 No 51

IRAN:View from the LEFT Mar 2024 No 51

Word of the Month:


"On March 8th, Women's International Day 2024, Iranian women are stronger than ever.

Throughout the past year, they have fought for their rights on every street and in every city of Iran, one way or another. Despite facing challenges such as forced hijab and inequality, they have shown resilience. Many have been imprisoned, fired, and assaulted by men within the Islamic Regime's government, yet these women have never ceased their fight. Their determination remains unwavering, and they will continue to push forward in the coming year. Significant progress has been made during and after the 'Women, Life, Freedom' movement, and their struggle will only gain momentum in the new year. Congratulations to them on International Women's Day


IRAN:View from the LEFT Mar 2024 No 51

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