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We Condemn the Death Sentence Against Sharifeh Mohammadi! Let's Fight for Its Immediate Revocation!

We Condemn the Death Sentence Against Sharifeh Mohammadi! Let's Fight for Its Immediate Revocation!

July 06, 2024

In the heat of the election campaign of the tyrant, corrupt and oppressive regime of the Islamic Republic, while the candidates of the regime make colorful promises to steal people's votes, the first branch of the Rasht court, on 4th of July, citing Article 287 of the Islamic Penal Code accused Sharifeh Mohammadi of "Baghi" ("armed rebellion against the regime") and sentenced her to death.

Sharifeh Mohammadi was arrested on December 5th of last year and during the time she was in solitary confinement and under torture to obtain forced confession, she was denied of reaching out to her family.

Issuing this verdict is in continuation of intensifying the suppression of the activities of labor activists and partially due to the refusal of workers and pensioners and their organizations to participate in the election show and for the purpose of revenge and creating fear among civil and political activists. Nevertheless, the boycott of the election show by more than 60% of the people in the first round and the continuation of protests by workers and retirees despite all threats, shows that the regime will not be able to stop the people from continuing their struggle with such criminal acts.

The reason for issuing this oppressive and unusual sentence for Ms. Mohammadi is that she was a member of a labor organization named "Coordinating Committee to Help Establish Labor Organizations" ten years ago. According to the mentioned law, the sentence of “Baghi” is issued against those who have started an armed uprising against the regime. This accusation does not apply to the Coordination Committee and Sharife Mohammadi. Because neither this committee nor Ms. Mohammadi needed weapons and armed uprising to create a labor organization and their activity was a civil activity. Working to create a labor organization and any other civil organization is not a crime but a civic right. Therefore, imprisoning Sharifeh Mohammadi and sentencing her for acts she did not commit is contrary to the facts, a violation of civil rights and illegal.

The Left Party of Iran rejects and condemns the death sentence for labor activist, Sharife Mohammadi, and calls on everyone to fight against this sentence and its revocation. We call for her immediate and unconditional release from prison. We also invite all labor, civil, human rights organizations, parties, lawyers and people to fight for revoking this repressive sentence and freeing Sharifeh Mohammadi.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
July 06, 2024

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