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Pressure on Families and New Arrests will not Save the Regime!

Pressure on Families and New Arrests will not Save the Regime!
Let Us Intensify the Fight for the Immediate Release of all the Detainees, Including Mina Soltani (Mother Mina)!

September 19, 2024

On the eve of the second anniversary of Mahsa-Zhina Amini's murder and the beginning of the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement, the regime of the Islamic Republic, in addition to intensifying control, has summoned a large number of political and civil activists and detained some members of the bereaved families of this movement. In Kurdistan, the pressure on families and civil and political activists has become very intense, and the repressive forces of the regime tried to prevent any gathering on this day by besieging the cemeteries and the roads leading to them, including the Aichi cemetery, the burial place of Mahsa. They wanted to prevent any kind of gathering on this day and to prevent the commemoration of the martyrs of the movement with threats and violence. Also, according to the statements of Nika Shakrami's family, regime agents in Lorestan have closed the roads leading to Hayat al-Gheib cemetery, Nika's burial place, until next Saturday, one day after the anniversary of Nika's death. Even the family is not allowed to enter the cemetery and visit her grave.

The actions of the regime in Kurdistan are much more extensive and according to the news that has been circulated, at least 18 fellow Kurdish people were arrested in the cities of Mahabad, Oshnavieh, Piranshahr, Divandarreh, Marivan, Sarvabad and Bukan by the agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and the Intelligence Organization of the Revolutionary Guards and have been transferred to the detention centers of these two security institutions. Among these detainees, Mother Mina, the mother of Shahriar Mohammadi, one of the victims of the "Women, Life, Freedom" movement, who was arrested by the security forces by raiding the family home on Wednesday, September 11 is still in prison.

The Left Party of Iran considers the arrest of political and civil activists and the pressure on the plaintiff families to be a futile attempt to prolong the disgraceful life of the regime and calls for the intensification of the struggle for the release of the recently arrested and other political and civil prisoners, including Mother Mina. We call on all human rights defenders and freedom fighters in Iran and the world to fight for the release of thousands of political and civil prisoners from the prisons of the Islamic Republic.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran
September 19, 2024

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