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Joint Statement: Warning against Warmongering Activities;

Joint Statement: Warning against Warmongering Activities;

Joint Statement: Warning against Warmongering Activities;

Negotiations for a Comprehensive and Sustainable Agreement Must Begin!

Tensions between the Islamic Republic (IRI) and the Trump government were reduced in recent weeks due to diplomatic efforts, Macron’s dialogue with Trump on reduction of the US’ “maximum pressure” campaign by allowing European powers to set up a $15 billion credit line for Iran and the resignation of John Bolton on the eve of the UN General Assembly. But drone and cruise missile attacks on Saudi Arabian oil facilities and the temporary 50% disruption of Aramco production has once again intensified the situation in the region.

Houthis in Yemen claimed responsibility for the attack but Saudi, US, German, UK and French officials have pointed the finger at the IRI. Turki Al-Maliki, spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of Saudi Arabia stated that "all operational evidence and initial assessments show that the weapons used in these attacks were from Iran. He said that the attacks not only endanger the security of Saudi Arabia, but also the world's energy security. The US Secretary of State called the attack an “act of war” by Tehran against Riyadh. Rick Perry, the US Secretary of Energy, announced that this was an attack on the global economy and international oil markets. But the IRI has denied the allegations, claiming that the allegations are meant to divert public attention from Saudi aggression against Yemen.

The attacks on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia have changed the atmosphere in both the region and in the world in relation to Iran. Increasing convergence in Europe and US on pressing for a new agreement that simultaneously encompasses nuclear, missile and regional issues has created hardship for the IRI.

Trump’s unjustified exit from the JCPOA, his crippling economic sanctions and "maximum pressure" policy against Iran on the one hand and provocative remarks by commanders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) together with their adventurous actions such as shooting down a US drone and adopting new tactic on the other hand, has ratchetted up tensions and increased the threat of war. Although the Trump plan to attack a “list of potential targets in Iran" is under review, at this point he has decided to increase the quality and quantity of sanctions and to send troops and military equipment, strengthening the Saudi Arabia defense capability, especially its air defense.

Diplomatic and military officials of the IRI have stated that they do not want war but have warned that any limited military strike against Iran will become a full-fledged war.

In such a critical situation and on the eve of the opening of the UN General Assembly, Ali Khamenei stated that the US’ goal of negotiations is to impose US demands and provide "proof of the effectiveness of the maximum pressure on Iran". He says that as long as the US has not returned to the JCPOA, there won’t be any negotiations between the US and Iranian officials "at any level, not in New York and not elsewhere". Ali Khamenei had previously stated that there will neither be war nor negotiation. Today he insists on no negotiation, but takes practical steps towards intensifying tension. The current climate shows that another disruption to the flow of energy in the Persian Gulf, and any repeat of similar explosions in Aramco facilities, will no longer be tolerated. Moves by the US government and its regional allies towards limited military conflict against the IRI can cause a chain of interactions and lead the Middle East to engage in more destructive tensions.

Continued intensification of tensions and rants by Iran’s Supreme Leader and IRGC commanders can provide a pretext for warmongers in the US and Israel and to impose a tragic and devastating war on our homeland and destroy the industries and infrastructure of the country.

Although there is insufficient evidence about the origin of the attacks, based on the type of missiles used in the operation and remarks made by IRI officials, it is not difficult to assume Iran’s involvement. Regardless of who was behind this attack, we, three Iranian political currents consider the attack a warmongering act and warn that these kinds of provocative actions can fan the flames of war in the region with catastrophic consequences. We believe that the way out of the current situation is the return of the US to JCPOA, stoppage of the IRI nuclear and regional expansionist adventures and the start of unconditional negotiations between the US and the IRI in all areas of dispute. The UN General Assembly is an opportunity to start negotiations. Also observing the cease-fire in Yemen, peace negotiations and ending the bombings and military attacks by the Saudi-led coalition on the one hand and stopping attacks, sabotage and military of the Houthis and their allies on the other hand are necessary to end civil war in Yemen and resolve one of the destabilizing factors in the region.

Political-Executive Bureau of:

United Republicans of Iran

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

Union for Secular Republic and Human Rights in Iran (USRHR)

September 24,2019


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