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Annexation of the West Bank of the Jordan River to the Israeli Territory is Contrary to the International Laws and Agreements and must be Condemned!

Annexation of the West Bank of the Jordan River to the Israeli Territory is Contrary to the International Laws and Agreements and must be Condemned!

Annexation of the West Bank of the Jordan River to the Israeli Territory is Contrary to the International Laws and Agreements and must be Condemned!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed his intention of formally annexing parts of the West Bank, which has been under Israeli occupation since June 1967, to the Israeli territory. With this decision, more firewood will be added to the fire that has been lit in the Near East since mid twentieth century with the presence of Israel. Israel has decided that 30% of the occupied territories of the West Bank will be annexed to Israeli territory, in parts of which, according to the international organizations, including the United Nations, settlements have been built illegally. Now, by settling Israeli citizens in these areas, the policy of occupying Palestinian lands will continue.

With the inauguration of Donald Trump in the United States, the first provocative and, in fact, possessive act was first implemented by moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and declaring the city as the capital of Israel. Since then, Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights has been recognized, and now it is time for the West Bank. All of this has been done in violation of the international treaties and laws.

If the annexation implemented, the formation of an independent Palestinian state and the plan for "two states" project, the foundations of which were laid at the Madrid Peace Conference on October 30, 1991, followed by the 1993 Oslo Accords, will never be achieved. It is a fact that whenever the Israeli government is in the hands of hardliners and violent politicians, it refuses to fulfill its obligations under these two agreements and practically blocks the progress of the peace process.

Today, the plan to annex 30% of the West Bank to Israel is not the whole story. Palestinians in all occupied territories suffer from the discriminatory policies of the Israeli government, and in no legal sense is a Palestinian on the level of an Israeli-Jewish citizen.

This annexation will allow Israel to expel 75,000 Palestinians living in the annexed areas. Contrary to all human rights standards, Israel prevents Palestinian migrants from returning to their homeland and never considers this negotiable.

Since its inception, Israel has occupied important parts of the Palestinian territory at various stages of its life, and so far, it has defied all resolutions of the UN Security Council and the General Assembly that have called on Israel to leave the occupied territories and recognize the rights of the Palestinians.

Practically, Israel has gained some kind of international immunity due to the unwavering support of the United States, and in some cases, due to the silence of Europe, China, and Russia, and has steadily endangered the Near East stability with its military and political actions.

While announcing solidarity with the Palestinian people, the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) condemns the Israeli government's intention in annexing parts of the West Bank with the direct support of the United States. We believe that Israel’s non-compliance with all international obligations and agreements in its history is a real threat and danger to the peace in the region and the world. We emphasize on the "two states" solution, although with the daily actions of Israel, hope is diminished every day. We call on all progressive, peace-loving and freedom-loving forces of the world, to raise their voice in solidarity with the Palestinian people and to prevent the plan of annexation of the occupied territories to the Israeli territory. The agreement of the overwhelming majority of countries and peace-loving forces with the “two states” solution and the realization of the rights of the Palestinians is a safeguard to prevent the Israeli government to perpetrate another act of aggression and anti-human rights.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

July 1, 2020

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