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Iraq: Popular demands for change mount as new government faces deepening crises

Iraq: Popular demands for change mount as new government faces deepening crises

Iraq: Popular demands for change mount as new government faces deepening crises

The new Iraqi government headed by Mustafa al-Kadhimi was finally endorsed by the Parliament on 7th May after several weeks of manoeuvres by the ruling blocs and an undeclared US-Iranian consensus. Since then, it has been facing enormous political challenges, compounded by a deep economic crisis as well as a worsening health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Furthermore, external interference has recently increased, including military aggression by Turkish forces on the Kurdistan region in northern Iraq.

The formation of the new government came about more than 5 months after the previous Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi was forced to announce his resignation after a massacre of tens of young protesters committed by security forces in the city of Naseriyah in southern Iraq.

Among the principal demands of the Popular Uprising, that erupted on 1 October 2019, was the setting up of a transitional government that would prepare for early elections and also bring to justice those responsible for killing more than 700 peaceful protesters.

The obstinate refusal of the ruling blocs to comply with the demands of popular protests deepened the political impasse. An already deep political crisis was further aggravated by the coronavirus pandemic and an unprecedented economic crisis caused by the sharp fall in the prices of oil. Worst hit by these two recent crises were the poor and low-income strata. Popular resentment therefore intensified, threatening to ignite a new wave of protests with far-reaching consequences for the corrupt oligarchy. Furthermore, there has been a recent upsurge in terrorist attacks by remnants of Daesh targeting security forces in some areas in three provinces north of Baghdad.

The formation of Al-Kadhimi's government thus came about as a result of the exisitng balance of forces, the clinging of ruling blocs to the sectarian-ethnic quota system and external interference in Iraq's internal affairs. But it also reflected the new facts that were created in the political scene by the courageous October Popular Uprising.

The new PM declared in the programme which he presented to the Parliament that his government is transitional. He mentioned a number of important issues that are among the main demands of the people and the Uprising.

The Iraqi Communist Party had elucidated these urgent demands soon after the eruption of the popular uprising last October. They were further developed after the coronavirus pandemic and the new economic crisis.

Among these urgent demands are the following:

1- Combating the coronavirus pandemic, tackling its consequences.

2- Alleviating the suffering of the people, especially the poor and low-income strata.

3- Confronting Daesh and terrorist groups.

4- Conducting early elections under effective UN supervision and on the basis of a just electoral system.

5- Bringing to account those responsible for killing the peaceful protesters.

6- Taking firm measures against corruption.

7- Resolving the issues of internally-displaced people, revealing the fate of the forcibly disappeared and rebuilding the areas that were liberated from Daesh.

8- Dismantling the Deep State and putting an end to the role of militias and outlawed armed elements.

9- Adopting an alternative economic policy that leads to sustainable development, tackling the rentier state of the economy, diversifying it and reviving the productive sectors.

10- Protecting Iraq’s sovereignty and preventing external interference in its internal affairs.

It is also quite clear that none of the promises made by the new PM, Al-Kadhimi, cannot be achieved without popular pressure. His government will therefore be judged on the basis of what it actually achieves, in deeds not words, regarding these priorities and concrete measures.

Iraqi Communists, meanwhile, remain fully committed to the demands of the people and the peaceful protest movement, and to continuing the popular pressure, until their goal in abolishing the sectarian-ethnic quota system, and establishing the desired alternative: a democratic civil state and social justice, is achieved.

Turkish Aggression

The Turkish army launched a new aggression on 14 June 2020, violating Iraq’s sovereignty. Its air force attacked targets 193 km deep inside Iraq, including refugee camps near Makhmour in Erbil province and Sinjar, under the pretext of fighting against the PKK.

The Iraqi Communist Party issued a statement strongly condemning this new blatant Turkish aggression and violation of international law. It called on the federal government as well as the Kurdistan regional government to take a firm stand against this grave violation of Iraq’s national sovereignty. It also called for an immediate end to this aggression and the withdrawal of Turkish troops. This military operation also coincided with military attacks by Iranian forces across the borders, targeting areas inside the Kurdistan region.

Iraqi CP has reiterated its firm rejection of foreign military presence, whether by the US, Turkey or any other state. Ending external interference in the country’s internal affairs requires building a national political consensus and strengthening national unity.

In this respect, efforts are also needed to strengthen the Iraqi armed forces, eliminate corrupt elements within these forces and ensure their allegiance to the homeland and people, in accordance with the Constitution. This also requires putting an end to any armed formations, such as militias, that operate illegally and outside the relevant state institutions.

Combating Terrorism

Despite the military victory over Daesh, liberating several provinces from the clutches of this terrorist organization, the battle against terrorism is not over. During recent months, there has been an escalation of attacks by remnants of Deash in some areas. As pointed out by the Iraqi CP, an integrated approach and a host of political, economic, social and cultural measures, not only on military and security levels, are needed to achieve the final defeat of terrorism.

Health crisis aggravated by Coronavirus pandemic

The Coronavirus pandemic in Iraq has seriously impacted the people, especially the poor. Recent days have witnessed a sharp increase in the number of new cases and deaths. According to the latest official figures, on 27 June 2020, the total number of confirmed cases was 43,262, with 1,660 deaths and 19,938 recovered.

There is deep concern that the official figures do not reflect the gravity of the situation. They are based on a relatively small number of tests, totalling no more than 500,723 (as of 27 June) for a population of 40 million.

The government initially issued health advice and warnings to the public. However, when the Coronavirus was declared a global health emergency by the WHO, and neighbouring Iran became one of the major hotspots of the pandemic, strict measures were imposed, culminating in a curfew. It was partially lifted in April despite a warning from the WHO that the epidemic has not yet reached its peak.

The pandemic has exposed the dilapidated state of the health sector in Iraq and highlighted the catastrophic consequences of poor funding and attempts of privatization. There has been a lack of essential protective personal equipment (PPEs), ventilators and test kits. On the other hand, Iraqis are full of praise for the valiant efforts of the medical and nursing cadres and health workers.

The pandemic has compounded the hardship suffered by the poor in Iraq, numbering more than 10 million (25% of the population), according to official figures. As a result of the curfew imposed by the government, the poor and low-income strata were deprived of their meagre daily earnings. The government’s efforts to alleviate their suffering have been pathetic.

The pandemic has, however, instigated an unprecedented societal response and a spirit of communal solidarity.

The Iraqi Communist Party launched a mass campaign for Social Solidarity were to provide food parcels to poor and low-income families. This campaign is coupled with efforts to raise public health awareness and measures to combat the spread of the pandemic. Young men and women, most of whom were involved in the popular protests since 1 October 2019, have been at the forefront of these efforts.

Iraqi CP’s Central Committee issued a greeting message to the workers in the health sector, expressing gratitude for their selfless efforts in confronting the coronavirus under very difficult conditions. It called on the Iraqi people to support these efforts to enable the medical and nursing staff and other health workers to carry out their patriotic and humanitarian duty. This requires effective implementation of preventive measures adopted by the health authorities. The party also called on the government to provide the health workers with all the essential equipment and proper care and protection.


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