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Joint Statement On The Occasion of Anniversary of Execution of Political Prisoners in 1988

Joint Statement On The Occasion of Anniversary of Execution of Political Prisoners in 1988

Joint Statement On The Occasion of Anniversary of Execution of Political Prisoners in 1988

With approaching of August and September of 2020, thirty-two years from one of the most shocking crimes in the contemporary Iranian and world history, the tragic execution of thousands of political prisoners in prisons of the Islamic Republic of Iran has passed. With passing of more than thee decades from this event, some dark corners of this crime, those who gave the order, organized and those who executed it, have come to light; and there is no doubt that killing of thousands of captive prisoners, where many of those were previously judged and sentenced to prison terms by the regime’s judiciary branch; and contrary to lies of head of the judiciary and other leaders of the regime about the reasons of the political prisoners’ massacre, it was nothing but great and bloody purge of political opposition including the members of the Mojahedin Khalg Organization, Iranian Fedaeian Khalg (Majority), Tudeh Party of Iran, Fedaeian Minority, Raheh Kargar and other Iranian leftist and national groups with the intention of only making the religious dictatorial regime’s rule longer.

With passing of 32 years from that massacre and other crimes in Eighties and years after that, today commanders and executioners of this shocking crime are still in control of the fate of our country and people. One must learn from this historic experience and come to this reasonable conclusion that a regime and its leaders who are willing to organize such a horrifying crime for there own interest, and carry out other similar criminal activities, are not correctable and claims such as possibility of change of its nature through discussion or advice, is throwing dirt into the eyes of masses and assisting with the extension of rule of the bloody dictatorial regime in our country. Also Khomeini’s order and other leaders of the regime’s following and taking part in massacre of the political prisoners, in Montazery’s words, with stepping over even the Islamic Republic’s laws, is a reflection of the fact that Iran’s current government is “Republic” in name only; and in structure and action is a government deeply dictatorial and anti-people; where without passing through the totality of Islamic Republic, we can’t hope for a future for our country and possibility of change for creation of freedom and rule of peoples’ desire and will over their fate.

With passing of 32 years from this massacre and also other crimes of Eighties and years after that, we are still witnessing continuation of harsh and inhumane repressive policies towards peoples’ civil rights and executions by the theocratic regime. During these years far-reaching attempts across the world have been made to prevent dust of forgetfulness covering this unprecedented horrific crime in prisons of the Islamic Republic. Today, as a consequence of struggle of collection of freedom loving organizations, and especially families of those who have lost their lives, much of the hidden activities of members of the regime have been revealed.

  1. struggle for attaining the truth is continuing. Because members and followers of the Tudeh Party of Iran and the Left Party of Iran (Fedaeian Khalg) and other national freedom loving and democratic organizations in Iran, consider this as their human and revolutionary responsibility that until uncovering the truth and judicial trial of those involved in this horrific crime, steadfastly continue their attempts in exposing tragic conspiracy in recent history of our country. To break the silence conspiracy regarding the National Tragedy, all efforts must be intensified. Struggle and pressure for opening up the files of this crime and efforts in uncovering all its different aspects, responding to demands of the families of those who have lost their lives in this horrific crime, undoubtedly will play an important and critical role in the ongoing struggle for attaining peace, freedom, democracy and social justice in our country. It is humane, caring and historical responsibility and in the interest of freedom that all progressive forces make all their efforts in achieving this important goal.

Struggle for truth is continuing, because efforts from shaping a historical judgment must also be elevated to legal judgment. Without having an expert and competent court considering different aspects of violations of humane rights in Islamic Republic, any discussions about civil society, humane rights and a government based on the rule of law in Iran is meaningless. The only way to secure institutionalization of these values, is a lawful and truth seeking effort considering the factors and roots of those crimes.

Now that we are approaching the anniversary of massacre of political prisoners, we can and we must organize and continue a unified struggle for realization of the above mentioned goals. Achieving those goals requires a unified and united attempt.

Long live the memory of shinning struggles of the known and unknown brave champions of the people

Many greetings to all those champions of the struggle for freedom and the peoples’ brave sons that lost their lives in the national tragedy of 1988

Freedom for all conscious - political prisoners

Communist Party USA


Left Party of Iran (Fedaeian Khalg) – United States of America


Tudeh Party of Iran – United States of America

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