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Finding Truth and Implementation of Justice Require Common Struggle on a National Scale!

Finding Truth and Implementation of Justice Require Common Struggle on a National Scale!

On the Occasion of the 32nd Anniversary of the National Catastrophe in the Summer of 1988!

Finding Truth and Implementation of Justice Require Common Struggle on a National Scale!

Thirty-two years have passed since the implementation of organized mass killing of political prisoners. A well-thought-out plan, the executors of which only sought opportunity and justification to carry it out. The purge of political prisoners was the regime's calculated plan to eliminate the opposition. During the massacre, thousands of prisoners of all ages, from teenagers to prisoners over the age of 70, were massacred. The regime murdered the prisoners in groups only after a few questions, regardless of their affiliation with various political currents, even those who had served their sentences and were held captive by the prison guards. Undoubtedly, the main culprit of this crime against humanity was Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic Republic (IR). But Khomeini was not alone in this crime. All those who ordered and executed that crime and those who have held positions in the management of the system are also responsible for this crime.

The massacre, which in the first few years after the tragedy was met with silence and denial by the regime’s leaders, by selfless resistance and tireless efforts of the families of the victims and with the support of political organizations and democratic institutions has gradually had a significant reflection on national and international levels. As a result of public pressure, some of the regime officials were forced to break the silence. The Supreme Leader of the IR, Khamenei, in open defense of the massacre of political prisoners in 1988, by appointing Ibrahim Ra'isi, one of the members of the “Death Commission”, at the head of the judiciary, showed the place of criminals in this corrupt system. Breaking the silence of the regime and the confession of one of the members of the “Death Commission” - Pour Mohammadi - to that crime, is the victory of the plaintiffs, "Khavaran Mothers" movement and all Iranians who respect human dignity.

As it has been witnessed throughout the four decades of repressive actions, the IR has shown that it wants to survive by killing and slaughtering dissidents. The summer of 1988 was the culmination of the massacre of dissident prisoners by the regime, in which most of the opposition prisoners who resisted against the “Death Commission” were executed in the most brutal manner. Even now, the regime wants to impose the atmosphere of intimidation and terror by repression and execution, but its sword has become so dull compared to the eighties that it cannot act as its leaders wish. Today, inside the same prisons where in the past tens and sometimes even hundreds of prisoners were murdered every day, political prisoners rightly challenge and expose the tyrannical rulers’ character, including the Supreme Leader, with indescribable courage. In defense of their rights, prisoners stand so firmly in front of the authorities and defend their rights that the voice of their petition passes through the walls of the prison and resounds in the ears of the people of Iran and the world.

For more than three decades after that brutal massacre, the pursuit of litigation has continued in various forms and the struggle for the truth has yielded valuable results. But the amount of energy and time spent pursuing the litigation still does not reflect the desired results. It is important to coordinate the scattered work, especially political currents, and to create a single and common database in the first place. The massacre of the summer of 1988 was a catastrophe on a national scale. For this lawsuit to succeed, it must be pursued at the national level. Coordinating and managing the actions taken with the aim of litigation is in the interest of the families of the victims and all plaintiffs and the people of Iran. Our party advocates the joint action of all currents that seek justice in order to achieve the truth. In the current situation, participation of all organizations and forces seeking justice and truth about crimes committed by the IR, and specifically the massacre of political prisoners in summer of 1988, can be ensured in the first step by organizing a seminar for consultation in this field. This is another step towards national mobilization for litigation and the continuation of the process of breaking the regime's silence on this crime and a further victory in litigation.

On the 32nd anniversary of the national catastrophe, the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) commemorates the martyrs of the path to freedom and greets all those who, by sacrificing their lives, stood up against tyranny. We declare that we will stand by the families of the victims of the massacres of the IR and other justice seekers to bring the IR’s officials to justice. We welcome any effort to work together and coordinate political parties and organizations, human rights activists and all libertarians to make the advocacy movement work. Such actions will undoubtedly serve the struggle for truth and implementation of justice.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

August 17, 2020

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