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Congratulatory message to Comrade Mehrnoosh Dadgostar and the Swedish Left Party

Congratulatory message to Comrade Mehrnoosh Dadgostar and the Swedish Left Party

Congratulatory message to Comrade Mehrnoosh Dadgostar and the Swedish Left Party

Dear comrade Nooshi,

Congratulations on your worthy choice to lead the Swedish Left Party. Now that in Europe, and in many other countries, feminist, environmental, and anti-racist demands have become the foremost demands of many citizens, the approach of parties seeking justice and democracy for citizens is commensurate with these demands. Your party has presented a new face of the modern left by combining democracy and justice with these values, while fighting populism.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian), in accordance with the very complex situation in Iran - both internally and in its international relations - tries to express the balanced demands of Iranian society for its sustainable development. This similar approach is a broad area of ​​deep solidarity between your party and ours.

The left has deep roots in the Iranian political sphere. The influence of egalitarian ideas can be clearly seen in women's protests against forced veiling and gender inequality, workers' strikes for higher wages and better working conditions, hungry people protesting against the neo-liberal policies of the Islamic Republic, and dozens more.

Dear Comrade Nooshin, I sincerely wish you and the Swedish Left Party success and victory in advancing your goals.

I hope that in a pandemic-free environment we can express our solidarity with you and the Swedish Left Party.

With cordial and friendly greetings

International Relations of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)

Mehdi Ebrahimzadeh

November 5, 2020


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