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Happy New Year to All!

Happy New Year to All!

Happy New Year to All!

The political-executive board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) hopes that with the beginning of 2021, the world will take more and more steps to eliminate discrimination and injustice. We hope that the fragrance of freedom will spread over the ruins of oppression and tyranny in our homeland. In the hope of relaxation, comfort, prosperity and better days for all and the establishment of peace and friendship between nations.

We felicitate the New Year to all people around the world. We wish that in the new year, it will be possible to defeat the Corona and return to normal life. We hope that authoritarian regimes in every corner of the world, and especially in our country, Iran, will be defeated by the people to provide the context for security, freedom, justice and equality, comfort and prosperity.

The year 2020 has come to an end amid worries and hopes. This year, important events took place in the world and in our country, most importantly, the outbreak of the Corona and the unprecedented death toll. In addition to Corona, intensifying competition between the world powers and more active role of sub-powers in parts of the world, Trump's defeat in the US election and the resurgence of left-wing democracy in the face of right-wing extremism and racist aggression in this country and the setback of the right-wing aggression in Latin American countries, the unilateral announcement of the "Middle East Peace Plan" by Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu, the implementation of Britain's withdrawal from the EU, the establishment of peace between Israel and some Arab countries, and popular uprisings in Lebanon and south and north of Iraq, the outbreak of the gory Nagorno-Karabakh war and its aftermath, were important global and regional events last year.

This year, the evil shadow of the Corona killed nearly 1.8 million people. The disease most endangered the people of the industrialized and large countries of the world. In Iran, according to the official statistics of the Islamic Republic, nearly sixty thousand people have lost their lives so far. Of course, some regime officials have put the death toll from the disease at three times that number. In most of the major countries of the world, relatively large facilities have been allocated to deal with this disease and assistance has been provided for the livelihood of the people, but in Iran due to inefficient and corrupt management of the Islamic Republic, in addition to many victims, millions of people have lost their jobs and their livelihood, and again more sections of the population fell below the poverty line. This year, however, hopes have also emerged from the worrying news. At the end of the year, the Corona vaccine was discovered and marketed, and a number of people were vaccinated before the New Year.

Now the sprout of hope to overcome this deadly epidemic is alive in the hearts and the hope for a normal life has increased. Humanity, however, will never forget the Corona year 2020. The Corona epidemy divided our lives into two historical periods before and after Corona and became a turning point. The effects that this alarming phenomenon has had on all economic, political, social, cultural, scientific, and sports trends have ushered our world into another era. The post-Corona world is another world that only by knowing its dimensions can become the force of change in the third decade of this millennium.

Over the past year, many people around the world have become increasingly vulnerable to poverty, injustice and discrimination. Although Corona did not know the rich and the poor, but its pressure was mostly on the laborers. In the face of this unknown calamity, the greatest financial and human losses were inflicted on the lower and poorer classes.

The people of our country in 2020, like other people around the world, suffered from all the calamities of this year full of anxiety, but in addition to them, they also had the black shadow of the evil ruling of the Islamic Republic over their heads. In the face of the Corona tragedy, not only did the regime not actually help the people, but worse, it focused on repressing the people as much as it could. If other countries shut down rallies to protect the people from the Corona plague to some extent, the Islamic Republic arrested the elites and gathered them all in unsanitary prisons in the extremely dangerous conditions of Corona. The regime repressive organs also sharpened their razors against the defenseless people. In Iran, while the pressure of massive US sanctions shifted directly to the people, the ruling anti-people regime diverted the country's wealth to the country's superfluous religious and repressive institutions and Hezbollah cohorts in the region, rather than to the people.

The political-executive board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) hopes that with the beginning of 2021, the world will take more and more steps to eliminate discrimination and injustice. We hope that the fragrance of freedom will spread over the ruins of oppression and tyranny in our homeland. In the hope of relaxation, comfort, prosperity and better days for all and the establishment of peace and friendship between nations.


Happy New Year!

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

December 30, 2020

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