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Khamenei's Approach to the Corona Vaccine is Criminal!

Khamenei's Approach to the Corona Vaccine is Criminal!
Approved Vaccines should be Purchased as Soon as Possible!

Khamenei's Approach to the Corona Vaccine is Criminal!

Approved Vaccines should be Purchased as Soon as Possible!


In his speech on Friday, January 8, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic, Ali Khamenei, resorted to conspiracy theories about the direst problem of the society, namely the Corona and its vaccination, and issued orders that meant nothing but continuing the current difficult situation and causing more deaths. Speaking about Corona and its vaccination after a period of absence, he banned the purchase of vaccines from the United States (Pfizer) and the United Kingdom (Oxford) and stressed that the United States and the United Kingdom should not be trusted! He also added that optimism has no place in the French and cited the issue of contaminated blood! After all, he specified that the solution, firstly should be domestic production in the direction of "resistance economy" and secondly it is safe to buy from some other countries!


These are the words of the person by whom all the important decisions of the country are either taken directly or must be approved by him. Someone who is not accountable to any institution. These words are not about one of the tens of dire problems of this country, but about the most urgent and pervasive issue of the Iranian people at the moment. With this order, especially regarding the intensification of Quaid-19, Khamenei is playing not only with the lives of the Iranian people but also with the lives of citizens of neighboring countries. Based on the "No to the West, Yes to the East" policy, he has blocked the purchase of vaccines approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) from Western countries, paving the way for the purchase of vaccines from China and Russia, which have not yet been approved by the WHO.

Corona vaccination is now the most urgent issue of the whole humanity. In all countries of the world, the central issue of governments is to vaccinate the people of their country as soon as possible. Many countries have already started vaccinating and are accelerating it every day. It is noteworthy that even the most advanced countries in biochemistry, genetics and pharmaceutics, without being content with their resources and in parallel with their efforts and production, have adopted the policy of providing vaccines from other countries.

In the Islamic Republic, however, we encounter a "leader" for whom the principle in all matters, including the fight against this disease which has claimed tens of thousands of victims to date, is the perversity of the "enemy-oriented" policy. Today, there is someone at the head of this evil system who has made the fate of a nation a toy of the confused mentality and conspiracy-oriented, ambitious and adventurous policies of the regime. Khamenei's approach and banning the import of American and British vaccines results in freeing hands of the “smuggler brothers – alluding to the IRGC members”, so that they can further plunder the people by smuggling the vaccine and this has no other effect than putting more pressure and increasing risk on the lives of the people.

Expressing disgust with Khamenei's order, the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) considers this approach a criminal and anti-people act. This action reveals that the apprehension of this system is not the prevention of death caused by Corona, but the continuation of hostility to the world and the emphasis on policies that in various fields and in different directions have claimed lives of thousands of Iranians to date. It is a national duty to expose Khamenei's approach. Confronting his destructive approach to Corona is crucial, and the catastrophic consequences of such a move must be explained at the widest level, on the streets, in the workplace, on social media, in hospitals and in the workplaces of doctors and nurses. It is important that the Islamic Republic, at the national level, be pressured to provide the vaccines approved by the WHO and to execute the rapid and widespread vaccination of the people as soon as possible.


Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

January 8, 2021

January 8, 2021

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