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Left Party of Iran (Peoples Fadaian) Condemns the Killing of Balochi Citizens in Iran

Left Party of Iran (Peoples Fadaian) Condemns the Killing of Balochi Citizens in Iran

Left Party of Iran (Peoples Fadaian) Condemns the Killing of Balochi Citizens in Iran

The Political and Executive Committee of the Left Party of Iran (Fadian) (LPI-PF) has condemned the killing of Balochi citizens in Iran by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC). According to the declaration of LPI-PF, on 22nd and 23rd of February, 2021, 10 Balochi citizens were killed by the government forces in the South-East Iranian town of Saravan. The IRGC shot protesters who rallied against a sudden ban on cross-border fuel trade between Iran and Pakistan. In the South-East Iranian provice of Sistan-Balochistan, fuel export is one of the few sources of income for thousands of Iranians.

The LPI-PF reminds that three forths of the Sistan-Balochistan inhabitants live in poverty. The LPI-PF demands initiatives for the economic development in Sistan-Balochistan and the proseecution and punishment of the responsible authorities who gave the order to shoot the protesters in Saravan.


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