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Secrecy is the reason for the invalidity of this document!

Secrecy is the reason for the invalidity of this document!
Iran-China 25-year cooperation document and our stand

Iran-China 25-year cooperation document and our stand

Secrecy is the reason for the invalidity of this document!

The behind-the-scenes promises made between the Chinese and Iranian governments five years ago eventually took the form of a memorandum of understanding, signed by representatives of the two governments. This document, which deals with major projects and strategic plans in various fields, is scheduled to be implemented over the next 25 years.

However, the details of such a grand document and its implementation during a quarter of a century is still hidden not only to the Iranian people, but even to the puppet parliament itself. These agreements are managed under the direct supervision of Khamenei and his appointee, Ali Larijani, who currently has no official stand in the government.

The first question about this document is, what is all the secrecy for? If economic relations were meant to be healthy, transparent and defendable, why all the mystery? If it is based on a really win-win situation, why does the government not want to show it as a winning card and blow the horns to announce its achievements? These questions and inquiries are the first and the most natural and general finding of a draft that was recently leaked to the media. The draft, which tells the story of dozens of macro-plans in the fields of economy, politics, education, and even military-security is really very disturbing because of the unknown details and the ambiguities of the plans.

Economic, scientific, cultural and political agreements with other countries of the world can be a sign of rationality, good management and resourcefulness. Here, however, we deal with the Islamic Republic which is known to be an unreliable government with a record full of corruption and decisions against the national interests of the people. Iranians want their country to be able to take the most advantage of various foreign opportunities and to make growth and development of the country secured by attracting foreign capital in a measured way and from the position of national interests. The problem is with the performance of the Islamic Republic itself.

The truth is that the Islamic Republic is despair and frail and it has signed such a document in its weakest situation. The regime, at the moment, is fully prepared and willing to take any action against the national interest and to pursue any long-term contract that is not against the country's interest, but its cancellation will incur outrageous costs. Orientation towards China is not the product of rationality in optimizing the country's economy, but of resorting to another superpower due to isolation and stubbornness in hysterical "anti-Americanism." Isolation is an inevitable result of the policy of the "all against me" of the Islamic Republic during its rule, in which the versatile but not responsive Supreme Leader plays the most important role.

In August of last year, we warned against signing this document and wrote:

The view and policy hidden behind the" comprehensive document of 25 years of cooperation "is the same flawed and catastrophic view of the world ... The view that has wasted the country's vital resources over the past 40 years to its expansionist policies and melancholy and ideological conflicts has been nothing but economic misery for the people.

Expressing concern over the consequences of the signed document, the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian) declares that it is invalid until the document is presented to the Iranian people and its contents are examined by experts. We consider it our right to protest against the action of the Islamic Republic, which has decided for the present and the future of the country, and to declare it against the national interests of Iran. We call on our compatriots to unanimously condemn secrecy and call for the full disclosure of the document of the Memorandum of Understanding.

Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People's Fadaian)

April 1st, 2021

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