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We Call for an Immediate End to the Israeli Attacks on the Palestinian Territory

We Call for an Immediate End to the Israeli Attacks on the Palestinian Territory

Statement by Podemos, the Workers' Commissions of Spain, the General Union of Workers of Spain and the United Left Front of Spain in Connection with the Israeli Attacks on Gaza

We Call for an Immediate End to the Israeli Attacks on the Palestinian Territory

In recent days, Israeli incessant attacks on Gaza have left 217 dead, including 63 children, as well as several families among the victims, all of whom have been killed. To these victims, 1235 wounded must be added. Many of Gaza's infrastructures have been completely destroyed. Among them, we should mention the bombing and destruction of a building that was the dwelling of journalists and establishment of mass media, which is considered an example of genocide against humanity. The rockets fired at Israel from Gaza left 12 dead, including five children.

The beating and wounding of Palestinians living in Israel and the Israeli army's attack on Palestinian protesters in Jerusalem have left 22 dead so far. The escalation of violence in recent days, followed a tense month in Jerusalem. Attacks on Muslim mosques and holy sites in Jerusalem under the slogan "Death to the Arabs" and the violent response to the peaceful demonstrations by Palestinians in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood are among the current factors.

We, the political organizations and trade unions that sign this statement, condemn the repression of the Palestinian civilian population and the destruction of their urban infrastructure by the Israeli government, and call for an immediate end to these attacks. We also call for an end to the occupation of the Palestinian territories, the siege of Gaza and the application of discriminatory policies against the Palestinian people once and for all by implementing purposeful policies. By fully applying international laws and exerting political and social pressure on the Israeli government, the implementation of all the UN Security Council resolutions must be guaranteed.

The Spanish government must take a firm stand in the international arena, in the United Nations and in the European Union against Israel's aggressive policies against the Palestinian people. The Spanish government must work to ensure that respect for international laws and the Charter of Human Rights governs Israeli-Palestinian relations, and that Israel adheres to their implementation in order to achieve a just and lasting peace for their coexistence. We also urge that the work and efforts of activists and contributors to human rights organizations who are intensely persecuted by the Israeli government be protected by the international community. And here, we must remember the human rights activist Juana Ruiz, a Spanish citizen who was arrested by the Israeli military and imprisoned without any legal permission.

We, the signatories of this statement, call on Israel to immediately end all its attacks on the Gaza Strip. We urgently call on the European Union and other European countries to recognize the Palestinian Authority and to take all legal steps to ensure that Palestine becomes a member of the United Nations and enjoys all the rights of a member of the United Nations. In this way, it will be possible to end the occupation of the Palestinian territories and their siege and to put an end to the continuing human rights violations and discriminatory policies against the Palestinian people by the Israeli government.


The Workers' Commissions of Spain

The General Union of Workers of Spain

The United Left Front of Spain


May 19, 2021

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