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Formalization of any Alternative Government in Afghanistan, Subject to Guaranteeing the Basic Rights of the People and Peace and Security in the Region!

Formalization of any Alternative Government in Afghanistan, Subject to Guaranteeing the Basic Rights of the People and Peace and Security in the Region!

Formalization of any Alternative Government in Afghanistan, Subject to Guaranteeing the Basic Rights of the People and Peace and Security in the Region!

Afghanistan's central government has practically collapsed. Ashraf Ghani has left the country, and a number of officials have formed a "Coordination Council" with the aim of peace and the peaceful transfer of power. The Taliban are on the verge of gaining power. Today, the Taliban are in a position not to be content with nothing less than all of Afghanistan. Although the United States has sent troops to Kabul, this is in order to quickly transfer its embassy troops and continue the same policy of leaving Afghanistan. Helicopters are transporting western personnel from Afghanistan. According to evidence, the Americans are not only evacuating their forces and their allies from the country but are also burning and destroying documents at their embassy in Kabul. Meanwhile, talks are going on between high-ranking Taliban representatives and the collapsing government officials. The central theme of the talks is to evaluate the Taliban's request to hand over all power to them. The Taliban, who had taken control of cities and provinces and advanced on Kabul from the four axes of north, west, south, and east, while buying some of the commanders of the flimsy army, forced the army to surrender. It is also a fact that the defeat of 350,000 trained soldiers of the Afghan army against tens of thousands of Taliban on motorcycles and the fall of all weapons and equipment of the army into the hands of the Taliban, indicates the politics behind the scenes.

Pakistan plays a key role in the Taliban victory. Since the former Soviet era, Pakistan has been pursuing long-term plans to bring the situation to a point where it is practically the main player in the developments in Afghanistan, and to this day it has been successful in this area. By organizing the Taliban in recent years, Pakistan has sought to turn Afghanistan into its backyard, take control of its vital resources, and consolidate its position in the region.

We deeply regret the situation in our neighboring country, Afghanistan. We share the effective powers in the region and the world in shaping this tragedy for the people of Afghanistan and express our concern over the return of Talibanism to our neighboring country and the deepening of the crisis in Afghanistan, which is a great disaster for its people and peace and stability in the region. We believe that Afghanistan should not be left alone. Such a thing means supporting a fundamentalist and ethnocentric government in this country, and that is enough. This means turning a blind eye to the interests of the suffering people of Afghanistan. At present, the most important international responsibility is to prevent the Taliban from gaining a foothold in power.

The Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian) believes that the rise of Talibanism in Afghanistan will threaten the fundamental rights of the Afghan people, especially the women of this country, and darken the future of its youth. The Islamic Republic's cooperation with the Taliban is to the detriment of the development and progress of the Afghan people and is against the national interests of the Iranian people. We condemn this Islamic Republic’s policy and warn the heads of the regime not to sacrifice the interests of the country to their reactionary and adventurous intentions. The United Nations, as well as all governments, must commit the Taliban to a national agreement and the civil rights of the Afghan people.

We reiterate the need for our country's borders to remain open to Afghan refugees, and we wish that our compatriots understand the plight of the Afghan people and welcome Afghan refugees with affection. We are certain that the return of the Taliban to power in Kabul is nothing but the entry of Afghanistan into deeper crises, and we hope that the country's freedom-lover and progressive forces will be able to play their part in managing the new crisis in this country properly.


Political-Executive Board of the Left Party of Iran (People’s Fadaian)

August 16, 2021

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